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Md Radwan Ahamad

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Medicare is undergoing its greatest reform in 40 years over soaring costs

The greatest change to Medicare in 40 years may result in funds being made available to nurses and paramedics. The government's Strengthening Medicare Taskforce will...

teen wounded in the arm on the Gold Coast

On the Gold Coast, a teen who had been shot was discovered. After suffering an arm wound, the 19-year-old was discovered in a parking lot...

Colombian activist murders reach record levels in 2022: Ombudsman

The country's human rights ombudsman reported that more than 200 social leaders and human rights activists perished in Colombia last year as armed gangs...

Judge in Lebanon reopens investigation into 2020 Beirut port explosion

After a 13-month hiatus because to political opposition to his attempts to question top officials, the Lebanese judge looking into the deadly 2020 Beirut...

PM believes inflation has peaked, but concerns about a recession still exist

Anthony Albanese, the prime minister, believes that Australia's growing inflation has reached its peak. Since 2020, inflation has increased significantly—from 0.85% to 7.3%—and has risen...


Zuckerberg approaches third-richest person in the world as he joins elite club of those with $US200 billion

A staggering $US73.4 billion ($106.2 billion) in 2024 growth...

Neighbourhood dispute leaves three in hospital, including one with pierced lung

Three men are in hospital following a brutal incident...

Shooting in Brisbane occurs during the day Sarah Swain wrote it

In Brisbane, a guy was shot during the middle...

প্রশাসনে আওয়ামী দোসরদের রেখে রাষ্ট্র সংস্কার সম্ভব নয়: রিজভী আহমেদ

বিএনপির সিনিয়র যুগ্ম মহাসচিব রুহুল কবির রিজভী আহমেদ বলেছেন,...