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AustraliaVictorian teal MP engages head of staff in "robust" negotiations

Victorian teal MP engages head of staff in “robust” negotiations

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Sally Rugg outside court on Friday, February 17.

After “robust” private negotiations, Teal MP Monique Ryan and her head of staff were unable to settle an unfair dismissal suit, the court was informed.

After filing a lawsuit against Ryan, political aide Sally Rugg showed up with her attorneys before the Federal Court in Melbourne on Friday for a second urgent hearing to keep her employment.

During the brief hearing, Rugg and the MP were seated at opposite ends of the courtroom and did not make eye contact.

In a lawsuit filed at the end of January, Rugg claimed Ryan was a “primary actor” and that the Commonwealth had “engaged in hostile conduct in the workplace” that had hurt her in her capacity as chief of staff.

Rugg, whose work with Ryan was set to end on January 31, has asked the court to stop her from being fired while she continues the lawsuit.

All parties attended mediation on Thursday and opted to continue negotiations over the following two weeks, according to Commonwealth lawyer Nicholas Harrington.

“As frequently happens, there was a spirited exchange of views at that mediation, and there was a lot to think about as a result,” he said.

“The mediation concluded after roughly four hours, and it was ineffective.”

He expressed hope that through continued mediation, the parties will be able to “develop the route we were travelling on yesterday.”

Harrington was forewarned by Judge Debra Mortimer that the interlocutory application would need to be decided at the subsequent hearing.

She predicted that the negotiations would last a month and be sufficient.

Until the case is brought back before the court on March 3, according to Harrington, the Commonwealth will maintain Rugg in her position.

Following her successful challenge to then-treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s Kooyong seat in the federal election, Ryan hired Rugg, a former Change.org leader, last year.

Rugg claims that by firing her for objecting to inappropriate hours of work, Ryan and Commonwealth violated workplace agreements and national employment regulations.

She is suing everyone involved for damages and financial penalties.





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