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Monthly Archives: August, 2024

Man killed his partner and got 20 years in prison

After fatally murdering his partner in their Kewdale home, a Perth parent was given a 20-year prison sentence. In April 2023, Steven Dean attacked Emmerich...

After reportedly painting a Nazi emblem on a Sydney restroom block, a teenager was detained

An adolescent has been placed under custody for allegedly sketching a Nazi insignia on a north Sydney public restroom. The public restrooms on Pittwater Road...

ড. ইউনূস দেশকে এগিয়ে নিতে জনগণকে তার সাথে হাত মেলানোর আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন

নোবেল বিজয়ী অর্থনীতিবিদ অধ্যাপক ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস অন্তর্র্বতী সরকারের দায়িত্ব নেওয়ার জন্য প্যারিস থেকে দেশে পৌঁছে তার প্রথম ভাষণে দেশকে দ্রুত এগিয়ে নিতে তার...

The head of the opposition in South Africa says, “I’ve had a gutful”

David Speirs, the head of South Australia's opposition, has announced his resignation. Following uncertainty on his future in the position, the leader of the...

Vanessa Amorosi, a singer-songwriter, prevails in her court battle with her mother

After winning a protracted court struggle against her mother, international pop sensation Vanessa Amorosi will have even more reason to rejoice on her birthday....


Chand Raat Eid festival in Sydney

This year another “Chand Raat” fair is going to...

According to some Hindu nationalists, Gandhi’s executioner Godse was a “true patriot”

Ashok Sharma has dedicated his life to defending the...

Floodwaters started devastation on Sydney Road

Floodwaters have started to retreat on Sydney roads, but...

The way Ukraine has become a nuclear-weapon-free country

Russia has been attacking Ukraine for weeks. On Thursday...