This year another “Chand Raat” fair is going to be held on Sunday 1st May at Minto Indoor Sports Centre. This fair is being organized by BD Hub Sydney, Australia.
Discussions and Iftar mahfil have been held on the evening of 18th April (Monday).
Abdul Khan Ratan, organizer of the fair and general secretary of BD Hub, said “From this year, BD Hub Sydney is going to organize Chand Raat Fair in Minto and every year we will organize this fair for our Bangladeshi community.”

“The fair is organized to showcase the culture and talents of Bengalis living in Sydney and Australia. Apart from Bengali guests, some special guests will also be present in here.” he added.
There is no entrance fee to the fair. In addition, there is about a thousand car parks nearby the parking lot of Minto Indoor Sports Centre. Mintu Railway Station is also nearby of this venue so anyone can join easily by public transport.
Stall booking is still going on a first come first get basis. This fair will run from 11 am to 10 pm.
General Secretary Abdul Khan Ratan presided over the preparatory meeting on behalf of the organizing committee under the chairmanship of BD Hub Sydney President Abul Sarkar.
Sydney cultural figures, journalists, members of the organizing committee took part in this meeting and gave their constructive views and suggestions. Important decisions taken regarding the participations and duration of cultural performances.
BD Hub Sydney concluded their discussion meeting by inviting everyone to attend this special event.
Some photos of preparatory meeting of Chand Raat