17.3 C

Md Radwan Ahamad

3006 POSTS

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Albanese praises citizenship agreement as “win-win” for Australia and New Zealand

In order to commemorate their citizenship agreement, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese met with his New Zealand counterpart Chris Hipkins in Brisbane. After the Australian government...

Two teenagers are detained after an Adelaide arcade’s City Cross security guard is allegedly attacked

According to police, two teens have been detained after an inquiry into the alleged stabbing of a security guard on Friday in Adelaide's central...

Townsville Hospital to review care of army veteran Steven Angus, killed in police shooting

Townsville Hospital says it will conduct a review into the treatment of an Australian Army veteran who was shot dead by police one day...

Blackmail accusations against a former MP’s husband were dropped

Blackmail allegations against a former South Australian Labour MP and her spouse were dropped. Greg Digance and Annabel Digance have both previously entered not guilty...

In Townsville, cops fatally shot a man

In Townsville, Queensland, a man was shot by police and died as a result. Yesterday around 4:55 p.m., the 52-year-old man was shot at a...


‘One in a million’ father’s’ death from job accident prompts massive donation

Barry Breslin, a parent from Perth, died in a...

Alleged calls to a mosque led to charges against an elderly woman

Authorities in Sydney have filed charges against an 82-year-old...

যুদ্ধবিরতির জন্য ইসরাইলের ওপর চাপ প্রয়োগের আহ্বান লেবাননের প্রধানমন্ত্রীর

নতুন হামলার প্রেক্ষিতে লেবাননের প্রধানমন্ত্রী নাজিব মিকাতি রোববার...