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AustraliaThe murder of her daughter, Jasmeen Kaur, left her mother "tormented," a...

The murder of her daughter, Jasmeen Kaur, left her mother “tormented,” a South Australian court has heard

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A South Australian court has heard that the mother of a 21-year-old elderly care worker who was killed in a rural South Australian community is still “tormented” by her passing.

In a victim impact statement, Rashpaul Kaur said she was “tormented at the thought” of what her daughter Jasmeen Kaur had to go through before she passed away.

The statement read, “I go through a terrible series of events, I wonder when she realized she was in imminent danger.”

“Jasmeen was a precious little girl, and I am heartbroken to hear of her passing.”

In the presence of others, a woman wearing a dark green blouse and blue leggings and a skirt departs court.

In March 2021, Jasmeen was murdered in the extreme north of South Australia, and her body was discovered in a shallow burial in the Flinders Ranges, north of Hawker.

After performing a shift at the Southern Cross Care aged care facility in North Plympton, one of Adelaide’s southern districts, the aged care worker and nursing student was reported missing.

In February, Tarikjot Singh, 23 years old, admitted to killing Jasmeen.

Singh, according to Rashpaul Kaur, was enamored with Jasmeen, who “one hundred times” rejected him.

“She lost her life because Tarikjot forcibly wanted to marry her and be in a relationship with her,” she claimed.

Ms. Kaur declared that she will never forget Singh’s actions.

She questioned “How can you value a human life so cheaply?”

“I don’t get it.

You treated my baby as if she were nothing and threw her away like trash.

The family would never be able to see their “sweet beautiful” Jasmeen again, according to Ms. Kaur.

She added, “We should be a family of four, but we are only a family of three.”

Sukhmanpreet Singh, Jasmeen’s brother, and Gurmanpreet Kaur, her sister, claimed they were “not even halfway through” their voyage together when it was ripped from them.

“Her future doesn’t exist anymore.

We are unable to fathom how terrified she must have been in her final moments because you have destroyed so many lives.

In July, the case will be heard again in court.





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