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WorldRomania disputes Ukraine's assertion on errant Russian missiles

Romania disputes Ukraine’s assertion on errant Russian missiles

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In response to Kiev’s allegations that two Russian rockets violated the airspace of the NATO member state while on route to Ukraine, Bucharest has denied that any Russian missiles flew over Romania.

A long-range Kalibr cruise missiles launched by a Russian military ship from an unknown location, Friday, July 15, 2022 [File: Russian Defence Ministry Press Service via AP Photo]
Several Russian missiles, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, flew over Moldova and Romania on Friday, posing a threat to the military alliance and overall security.

In a video broadcast on the Telegram messaging app, Zelenskyy said that “the adversary launched at least 70 missiles in yet another significant attack this morning.”

“Several Russian missiles flew across Moldovan and Romanian airspace. These missiles pose a threat to collective security and NATO. Terror like this must and can be stopped.

Romania said in a statement from its foreign ministry that while officials had discovered a “aerial target launched from a ship of the Russian Federation from the Black Sea,” “at no time did it overlap with Romania’s airspace.”

The target trajectory was 35 kilometers northeast of the border when it came the closest to Romanian airspace, according to the statement.

According to the statement, two MiG-21 LanceR aircraft of the Romanian Air Force were despatched in the direction of the country’s north “to supplement our reaction options.”

The statement finished by stating that the Romanian Air Force continuously monitors the local area as well as the nation’s airspace.

The top general of Ukraine had earlier claimed that two Kaliber missiles fired from the Black Sea had first flown into Moldovan territory, then into Romanian airspace, and last into Ukraine.

Moldovan officials verified that a missile had violated their airspace, and they summoned Moscow’s envoy to express their displeasure at what they deemed to be a serious offense.

During the nearly year-long Russian invasion of Ukraine, Moldova has already discovered Russian missile debris on its soil.

On Friday, Russia launched a fresh round of missile attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, cutting out millions of people’s power in an emergency and renewing Kyiv’s appeals for Western support.

The city of Zaporizhzhia in the southeast was struck by at least 17 missiles in an hour, the most intense strike since Russia invaded Ukraine in February of last year, according to local authorities.

German Galushchenko, the energy minister, reported that high-voltage infrastructure, thermal and hydropower generation facilities, and six different regions had been hit. As a result, the majority of the country had to shut down its electricity in an emergency.

He noted, referring to the southeast, northeast, and western parts of Ukraine, that “the most severe situation is in the Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, and Khmelnytskyi regions.”

“The integrity of the Ukrainian energy system was preserved thanks to the effective work of the air defense troops and early technical measures. Energy professionals are always striving to restore supply.

The largest private energy business in Ukraine, DTEK, reported damage to four of its thermal power plants and injuries to two energy workers. Local officials reported that several areas’ water sources were also affected.

After strikes on numerous areas of the nation, officials reported that 13 missiles were shot down over the southern province of Odesa, 10 missiles were shot down over the nation’s capital Kyiv, and four missiles were shot down in the center Ukrainian region of Kryviy Rih.

Although Oleh Synehubov, the governor of the Kharkiv area, reported eight persons had been wounded, there was no immediate confirmation of any deaths.





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