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WorldFollowing the tragic earthquake, Bangladesh will send a rescue team to Turkey

Following the tragic earthquake, Bangladesh will send a rescue team to Turkey

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the tragic earthquake in Turkey, the Bangladeshi government promised assistance and is preparing to send search and rescue teams on Wednesday, according to Mustafa Osman Turan, the Turkish ambassador to Bangladesh.

On Tuesday morning, the envoy told the Dhaka Tribune the information.

Following the fatal earthquake, governments from all over the world dispatched rescue teams and provided aid in response to demands for help from Turkey and Syria.

According to State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, Bangladesh is now prepared to add its name to the list.

A medical team is supposed to arrive in Turkey on Wednesday, he said.

Five members of the Bangladesh Army, Fire Service, and Civil Defense will be a part of the 10-person team.

The squad is anticipated to fly to Turkey on a Bangladesh Air Force C-130 aircraft.

Who will be on this team and what gear and medical supplies will be sent with them are still up in the air.

The government and people of Bangladesh pledged all possible support for the victims of the disasters in Turkey and Syria on Monday, saying: “Bangladesh Government and its people are always on the side of the disaster victims of Turkey and Syria.”

The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also expressed her profound sadness at the human tragedies and stated that Bangladesh’s government and people are supporting Turkey and Syria during this crisis.

Additionally, Sheikh Hasina pledged full government support and hoped for the injured people’s speedy recovery.

On Tuesday night, rescuers in Turkey and Syria dug with their bare hands through the bitterly cold night in search of survivors among the wreckage of the thousands of buildings that had been destroyed by a series of powerful earthquakes.

Following a series of powerful tremors close to the Turkey-Syria border, the number of confirmed fatalities in the two countries has risen above 4,300. The strongest of these tremors had a magnitude of 7.8.

More than 5,600 buildings, including several multi-story apartment buildings that were packed with sleeping occupants when the first earthquake struck, have been flattened across numerous cities, according to Turkish and Syrian disaster response teams.





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