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World40 hours after the southern Turkey earthquakes, a pregnant woman was rescued

40 hours after the southern Turkey earthquakes, a pregnant woman was rescued

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Health personnel carry the body of a person who died following an earthquake, at a state hospital in the Elbistan district of Kahramanmaraş, southeastern Türkiye

40 hours after earthquakes struck southern Turkey, a pregnant woman was rescued on Tuesday.

Teams from Istanbul’s Ümraniye municipality were deployed to Kahramanmaraş, the epicenter of earthquakes with 7.7 and 7.6 magnitudes, to rescue Nehir Ilkova, a pregnant woman who is nine months along.

According to the municipality, search and rescue operations are still ongoing.

According to Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, at least 5,434 people have died and 31,777 have been injured as a result of the Monday tremors that shook southern Turkey.

Despite the earthquakes’ epicenter being in Kahramanmaraş, they have had an impact on ten regions. The shocks caused extensive damage and were also felt in Syria’s neighbor.





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