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AustraliaThe PM claims that the Voice referendum is an opportunity for Australians...

The PM claims that the Voice referendum is an opportunity for Australians to display their “best traits”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today urged Australians to support the government’s proposal for an Indigenous Voice in parliament, accusing detractors of attempting to incite a “cultural war” in the process.

The Voice, according to Albanese, “will be a national achievement in which every Australian can share,” she stated in an address at the Chifley Research Centre Conference.

In the second half of this year, the federal government intends to hold a referendum on the Voice.

The referendum, according to the prime minister, will give Australians a chance to unite while also giving them a chance to modernize the constitution.

He acknowledged that some opponents were attempting “to confuse and cause conflict” in an effort to slow down progress.

Yes, there are those spreading false information on social media.

provoking indignation and attempting to ignite a culture war.

However, Albanese asserted that he was certain that Australians would support the Voice’s ideas.

The opportunity for our people to display their greatest traits—their generosity, their sense of justice, and their confidence for the future—occurs during times of national decision, like this referendum.

“I’ve always been hopeful about the character of the Australian people, which is why I’m optimistic about the success of the vote.”

In a portion of his address, Albanese referred to the 1967 referendum that 90% of Australians supported to repeal a constitutional provision that said that Indigenous people would not be counted in the census.

He said Australians would have the opportunity to make a comparable historic move in 2023.

“Instead of getting rid of a clause that no longer represents who we are.

“We can bring about a transformation that speaks to the kind of future we want to create.”

Concerns over any new authority The Voice might have were also addressed by the prime minister.

He assured that it would not develop into a third house of parliament.

Senators from the First Nations Jacinta Price and Lidia Thorpe have voiced mixed feelings about the idea.

The Voice would be supported, according to Albanese, who earlier this week claimed counterparts in the state, territorial, and federal governments.

The speech is being given as the federal parliament gets ready to reconvene on Monday.





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