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WorldEastern DR Congo: East African leaders call for a cease-fire

Eastern DR Congo: East African leaders call for a cease-fire

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

sis in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, which pits the country’s military against a rebel group that the government has accused Rwanda of aiding, has prompted the region’s leaders from East Africa to once again urge for an immediate ceasefire by all parties.

The leaders of the East African Community (EAC) group demanded a “immediate ceasefire by all sides” at a summit held on Saturday in the city of Burundi, Bujumbura, according to a communiqué released following the meeting.

The communique stated that the meeting “reiterated its urge to all parties to de-escalate tensions.”

Since October 20, the M23 rebel organization has captured significant portions of the North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, posing a danger to Goma, the provincial capital.

Regional tensions have been exacerbated by the fighting, with the DRC accusing its neighbor Rwanda of supporting and funding the Tutsi-led uprising. Experts from the UN and Western nations have also charged Rwanda with supporting the M23. A Rwandan official has denied involvement.

The conference on Saturday was the most recent diplomatic attempt to put an end to the war, which has forced at least 520,000 people from their homes in North Kivu since March 2022.

Pope Francis visited the DRC earlier this week and urged a stop to bloodshed.

The rebels were supposed to stop firing and leave recently taken locations by January 15 under a deal that regional officials mediated in November, but no pullout occurred.


According to a UN internal report, the rebels were breaking the terms of the retreat and truce.

The chiefs of state of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Burundi, as well as other top regional leaders, attended the meeting on Saturday.

They also invited regional military chiefs to convene within a week and set a deadline for the departure of all foreign and armed organizations from the DRC.

The village of Kitshanga in Masisi area and a brand-new road were taken over by M23 rebels on January 27, further cutting off the provincial capital Goma.





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