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ExclusiveSixth Memphis police officer dismissed following Tyre Nichols's passing

Sixth Memphis police officer dismissed following Tyre Nichols’s passing

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man who was beaten by police in the Tennessee city last month, died as a result of the beating. Memphis police fired a sixth officer involved in his death on Friday.

In a statement, the Memphis Police Department identified the officer as Preston Hemphill and claimed that, among other things, Mr. Hemphill had broken departmental rules on personal conduct, candor, and the use of a Taser.

The death of Mr. Nichols, the most recent in a string of African American victims whose murders have sparked a national conversation about racial inequality and police violence, has resulted in the firing and second-degree murder charges of five other officers, all of whom were Black.

Lee Gerald, a lawyer for Preston Hemphill, said over the phone, “While we disagree with this firing, Preston Hemphill will continue to assist with the authorities in the inquiry into the death of Mr. Nichols.

When asked if his client will also be prosecuted, Mr. Gerald declined to comment, although he did say that his cooperation with the investigation “speaks for itself.”

A seventh officer and Mr. Hemphill, a white man, had already been dismissed of their duties. Additionally, three firefighters were fired for failing to give Mr. Nichols necessary emergency medical care after he was detained.

Other police officers, firefighters, and others who documented the incident may also face criminal charges when additional information becomes available, according to Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy.

Police officers were shown on camera on January 7 kicking, hitting, and bashing Mr. Nichols with a baton after removing him from his vehicle during a traffic check.

Three days after his injuries, Mr. Nichols passed away.

Mr. Gerald previously stated that Mr. Hemphill was wearing the body camera that recorded the first of the four films made public by the police.

In the video, Mr. Nichols is dragged from his car, forced to the ground, and sprayed with pepper spray before he manages to free himself and flee. Mr. Hemphill then appears to fire a Taser stun gun at Mr. Nichols.

Chased and subjected to the worst beatings were the five officers who were later fired.





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