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AustraliaThe Australian economy can be gleaned from Reserve Bank of Australia data

The Australian economy can be gleaned from Reserve Bank of Australia data

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

As many Australian households switch to more expensive variable rates in 2023, the Reserve Bank predicts that more than 800,000 will experience increased financial strain.

Marion Kohler, head of the RBA’s economic research department, said the bank anticipated roughly $350 billion in loans would switch from fixed to variable rates this year while speaking before the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living on Wednesday.

While Ms. Kohler said she was unable to provide a precise estimate of the number of families affected by the change, she was able to give the committee on Wednesday a “very approximate” estimate based on a calculation done “back of the envelope.”

She predicted that this year, “in the high 800,000s,” credit facilities would roll off fixed rates due to the RBA rate hikes, which increased from 0.1% in April to 3.1% by December.

People with several loan facilities exist, according to Ms. Kohler.

You might split a variable rate loan between two banks or have loans with various banks.

The Reserve Bank Board will meet again on February 7 to consider its monetary policy choice, and on February 10 it will make a public announcement.

Rates are anticipated to increase from 3.1% to 3.35 percent by the bank.

Although Ms. Kohler was unable to discuss the country’s immediate prognosis, there is some good news for Australians.

What we can tell is that we believe the inflation top was at the end of 2022, at about 8%, and that inflation will start to decline this year.

High interest rates are required, according to Ms. Kohler, to “balance to facilitate” the return of stability when inflation is “too high.”

We are conscious that this is making things tough for certain people, but our assessment is that prolonging the higher inflation will cause even more suffering.

“We recognize that some people are finding it difficult to handle the increase in interest rates, and that others may need to reduce their discretionary expenditure.

“However, in order to prevent the current era of greater inflation and cost of living pressures from lasting too long, higher interest rates are required.

The Reserve Bank Board is concentrated on bringing inflation back to goal and creating a more sustainable balance between demand and supply in the Australian economy, as the Governor has emphasized.

Ms. Kohler stated that she was unable to confirm the prognosis that was due in ten days, but she stood by the RBA’s November prediction that the country would not enter a recession, in contrast to other nations that were facing that possibility.

She added, “The governor has stated that the board’s goal is to have a limited path and to reduce inflation, but we do take consideration of the economy.

“In the November (statement), it implied that a recession was not detailed.

The board’s main objective is to reduce inflation for everyone, which will benefit everyone.





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