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WorldIn a gunshot in occupied East Jerusalem, two Israelis were hurt

In a gunshot in occupied East Jerusalem, two Israelis were hurt

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A day after seven people were killed in an incident close to a synagogue in the city, authorities reported two people were hurt in a shooting attack in occupied East Jerusalem.

Following the incident in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan, next to Jerusalem’s Old City, a representative for Israel’s rescue emergency response service (MDA) reported that a father, 47, and son, 23, were in serious condition with “gunshot wounds to their upper bodies.”

According to a police spokeswoman, the event on Saturday was a “terrorist attack,” and the attacker, a 13-year-old Palestinian from the occupied East Jerusalem, was “neutralized and injured.”

The incident happened the day after a Palestinian assailant killed seven people in close proximity to a synagogue on the city’s outskirts.

Israel conducted a devastating raid on the Jenin refugee camp on Thursday in the occupied West Bank. A residence that the Israeli army claimed was home to potential fighters was attacked by dozens of soldiers, sparking several hours of heated clashes that resulted in the deaths of ten Palestinians, among them an elderly woman.

Since the second Intifada, or uprising, which lasted from 2000 to 2005, it was one of the deadliest Israeli army incursions in the occupied West Bank.

In a second incident on Thursday, Israeli forces shot a 22-year-old Palestinian man in the village of al-Ram, which is located north of Jerusalem.

Overnight on Thursday, Israel again conducted many airstrikes against the embattled Gaza Strip.

Local sources in Gaza reported that at least 13 attacks by Israeli jets on the al-Maghazi refugee camp in the territory’s center occurred by Friday morning.

Following the attack on Friday, the police claimed to have detained 42 Palestinians.

Police stated in a second statement that they had put their force on “highest level” alert after the attack. The Israeli army said on Saturday that it had sent another battalion into the occupied West Bank, bringing the total number of troops in the occupied territory to hundreds more.

The Palestinian Authority, which has limited governmental authority in the occupied West Bank, announced it was suspending a security cooperation agreement with Israel after at least 30 Palestinians were killed this year before the shooting on Friday.

At least 150 Palestinians were slain in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem last year as the Israeli military stepped up its arrest operations in response to a series of fatal Palestinian attacks inside Israel. It was the greatest yearly death toll in more than 15 years. Last year, attacks by Palestinians on Israelis resulted in the deaths of thirty persons.





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