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AustraliaTwo people died as a result of the Auckland floods, and the...

Two people died as a result of the Auckland floods, and the domestic airport has since reopened

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following Friday’s “severe” flooding disaster, the New Zealand Police have revealed that two persons have been discovered dead in separate incidents in Wairau Valley on Auckland’s North Shore.

The city’s airport has reopened for domestic flights, but the international terminal won’t open until at least 3 o’clock in the afternoon (ESDT).

After the city had its wettest 24-hour period on record, which resulted in unexpected widespread flooding and the proclamation of a state of emergency, another 23mm of rain is anticipated to fall today.

The Met Service has issued a warning that the central and upper North Island would experience a “dialed-back” version of the thunderstorms that have battered Auckland on Sunday afternoon and into the evening.

According to the police, several drivers spent the night trapped in the Warkworth region without access to food or lodging.

Numerous others have been forced to relocate due to flooding.

The Friday night event was also abruptly canceled because it was “too risky.”
Chris Hipkins, the prime minister of New Zealand, has traveled from Wellington to Auckland for a full day of sightseeing in the wake of Friday night’s devastating flood there.

At around 7.30 p.m. on Friday, police were called to a call near Target Rd where a man had been discovered dead in a flooded culvert.

After learning of the discovery of a second dead male at around 12.30 am, police were rushed to a flooded car park on Link Drive.

Locals on One Tree Hill’s Aliford Avenue pushed several cars that were submerged in flooding last night.

When the Elton John event was postponed, these concertgoers who had parked and walked back found their cars to be swamped and impossible to start, according to Louise Nicholls, who told Stuff in an email on Saturday.

Following flooding on Friday night, a container on Auckland’s North Shore was moved a few meters from its original location.

Sam Paumolevuka, who resides in an apartment on Sunnynook Road, claimed that the container had been moved because of the bad weather by his landlord.

On Mount Eden Road in Auckland, Kevin Webb and Jay Saussey’s home experienced chest-high inundation.

I simply sought to escape the rapidly rising water after going into panic mode.

More rain is expected throughout the day, and there’s a chance of another thunderstorm. An additional 23mm of rain is expected on Saturday, according to MetService.

Although the rain is expected to last the entire next week, the biggest downpours are expected to occur further south, according to weather analysts.

The wettest January and 24 hours on record were noted by the Auckland Airport weather station.

The wettest January ever had 20 cm of rain, and the wettest month ever had 30 cm in July 1998. 32 centimeters have already fallen this January.

At 7:31 this morning, the thunderstorm watch was declared over.





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