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Top NewsIsraeli authorities report at least seven fatalities in the Jerusalem synagogue incident

Israeli authorities report at least seven fatalities in the Jerusalem synagogue incident

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to Israeli authorities, a shooting that occurred on Friday in Jerusalem close to a synagogue resulted in at least seven fatalities and three injuries. According to authorities, the alleged shooter was also later dead by officers.

According to authorities, “the gunshot incident resulted in the killing of 7 citizens and the injury of 3 others with additional degrees of harm.”

According to a police statement, the attack took place around 8:15 p.m. local time near a synagogue on Neve Yaakov Street. The statement also said that the alleged attacker fled the scene in a car and was shot and killed by police after a shootout.

One day after the deadliest day for Palestinians in the West Bank in more than a year, the event occurs amid high tensions. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Israeli soldiers killed nine Palestinians on Thursday in Jenin, a city in the West Bank. In what the Israel Police described as a “violent disturbance” close to Jerusalem, a tenth Palestinian was slain on that day.

The “apparent terrorist attack” in Jerusalem was denounced by the US State Department on Friday in “the harshest terms.”

Vedant Patel, Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department, remarked, “This is simply horrible.” “Those slain and injured in this horrible act of violence are in our thoughts, prayers, and condolences.”

Patel stated that while the US is “still gathering facts,” it is “in direct contact with our Israeli friends.”

No alterations to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned travel to Egypt, Israel, and the West Bank, according to Patel, are anticipated.

The shooting was denounced by the European Union, France, and the United Kingdom.

“The news of the tragic attack in Neve Yaakov tonight appalls me. An very heinous act of terrorism would be to attack worshippers at a synagogue on Erev Shabbat. The UK supports Israel “The tweet was posted by Neil Wigan, the British ambassador to Israel.

Terrorism is never the solution, tweeted Dimiter Tzantchev, the EU ambassador to Israel, who also denounced the “senseless bloodshed.”

The assault was “all the more terrible given it was committed on this day of international commemoration of the Holocaust,” the French embassy in Israel tweeted.





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