23.5 C

AustraliaNSW fugitive captured in Darwin after being discovered hiding in yacht hull

NSW fugitive captured in Darwin after being discovered hiding in yacht hull

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After hiding beneath fuel tanks and pipes in the hull of a yacht bound for foreign waters, a NSW fugitive was discovered.

In Darwin’s Cullen Bay Marina, which has roughly 100 boats and yachts and is two kilometers from the CBD, Mark Horne, 32, was detained by police while aboard a yacht.

After entering the boat to do a clearance check, the officers discovered the man.

On Wednesday afternoon, the boat was scheduled to depart from the harbor.

Detectives had been looking for Mr. Horne for three months after he allegedly violated his release on bail following charges that he shot a man in 2020 in south-west Sydney.

In 2020, Mr. Horne was accused of shooting a guy.

They thought he took a private jet from Bankstown to a nearby airport and then flew on to Queensland.

Inquiries suggested Mr. Horne would attempt to leave to south-east Asia by sea, therefore NSW Police searched airports and ports alongside federal police, border force officials, and NT Police.

He was last seen entering a Hyundai Getz early one October morning in Riverwood, which was then seen driving west on the M5 Motorway.

The arrest, according to Australian Federal Police (AFP) Central Command Commander Erica Merrin, proved that “organized crime knows no borders.”

The arrest, according to Australian Border Force Commander Budhy Tanddo, demonstrated how well various law enforcement agencies cooperate to fight organized crime.

There truly is nowhere to hide if you’re breaching the law, Commander Tandoo remarked.

On Monday, Mr. Horne will attend an extradition hearing in Darwin.

Two more guys, 52 and 43 years old, were also detained after being captured.





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