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AustraliaFollowing the alleged kidnapping of a Hamzy colleague in Sydney's northern beaches,...

Following the alleged kidnapping of a Hamzy colleague in Sydney’s northern beaches, four men are in court

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After reportedly kidnapping a member of the Hamzy criminal organization outside of his home in Manly on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, four men will appear in court.

Four males wearing balaclavas were parked in a car on the street, according to a woman, when they allegedly jumped on Rodrigo Henriquez as soon as he emerged from his home.

She claimed that the men put the 39-year-old into a Toyota Hilux and drove off at around 10 a.m. after repeatedly beating him with a crowbar and a steering wheel lock.

After reportedly kidnapping a member of the Hamzy criminal organization outside of his home in Manly on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, four men will appear in court.

The driver allegedly failed to stop after the woman called the police, who eventually found the car on Warringah Road in Forestville.

Police used road spikes during a chase to halt the car on Starkey Street.

Henriquez was freed from the ute by police before they detained the four suspects in his kidnapping.

Multiple lacerations on the subject were treated in a hospital setting. He was later allowed to leave the hospital.

The group has been brought to Manly Police Station after being arrested.

The four men, who range in age from 19 to 25, have been accused of five offenses, including kidnapping in a group with the intention of committing a serious indictable occasion, participating in a criminal organization or activity, being transported in a vehicle taken without the owner’s permission, having one’s face blackened or disguised with the intent to commit an offense, and affray.

Detectives looking into criminal organizations are also looking into any connections to the opposing Alameddine crime network.

Bail has been denied for the four guys to appear in court today.

Following a violent altercation between Alameddine and Hamzy associates at Ballina Airport in February 2021, Henriquez is currently facing an affray allegation in court.





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