21.4 C

BangladeshAt 5.4 degrees Celsius, Sreemangal registers the season's lowest temperature

At 5.4 degrees Celsius, Sreemangal registers the season’s lowest temperature

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Sreemangal was gripped by biting cold as the lowest temperature ever recorded in Bangladesh this season in the upazila was 5.6 degrees Celsius in the 24 hours leading up to Friday morning.

The lowest recorded temperature at Sreemangal was 2.8 degrees Celsius on February 4 of 1968, according to Mujibur Rahman, a weather station officer.

A light cold wave is defined as temperatures between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius, a moderate cold wave as 6 to 8 degrees Celsius, and a severe cold wave as less than 6 degrees Celsius.

Sreemangal’s regular routine is being disrupted by extreme cold, icy winds, and thick fog. The hardest-hit groups are those with low incomes who depend on their daily jobs.

To stay warm, many were observed building fires by the sides of the highways. Unless there is an emergency, the majority of people are staying at home.

Additionally, according to Dr. Chowdhury Jalal Uddin Murrshed, the district civil surgeon, the number of pneumonia and diarrhea patients at Moulvibazar hospitals is rising, mainly among the elderly and young children.

Faridpur, Madaripur, Gopalganj, Rajshahi, Pabna, Naogaon, Sirajganj, Sreemangal, Rangamati, Cumilla, Feni, Brahmanbaria, Jashore, Chuadanga, Kushtia, Barishal, and Bhola districts are all experiencing a mild to moderate cold wave that may linger, according to the BMD this morning.

Additionally, from midnight until dawn, light to moderate fog may develop elsewhere and moderate to deep fog may cover the river basins.

“The country may have a brief period of partly cloudy skies with dry weather.” Temperatures during the day and night may not alter much, according to the BMD.





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