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WorldIf the West provides Ukraine with longer-range weapons, the Kremlin threatens an...

If the West provides Ukraine with longer-range weapons, the Kremlin threatens an escalation

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

If the West provides the pro-Western nation with more weaponry capable of attacking Russia, the Kremlin warned on Thursday, the situation in Ukraine might escalate.

According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, “potentially, this is highly hazardous. It will mean pushing the war to a whole new level, which, of course, will not bode well from the point of view of global and pan-European security.”

The warning comes as Western nations explore delivering Ukraine more potent weapons on the eve of a crucial donor summit.

At its airfield in Ramstein, the United States will host a meeting of its allies on Friday to discuss providing military support for Ukraine.

Peskov responded to Anatoly Antonov’s statement that Russia would retaliate if Ukraine used weapons purchased from the West to strike Russia or the Crimean peninsula, which Ukraine annexed in 2014.

He remarked, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “It should become evident to everyone: no matter what armaments the Americans or NATO provide to the Zelensky regime, we will demolish it.”

In remarks made public by the embassy, he claimed that “defeating Russia is simply impossible.”

He declared that the United States’ language against Ukraine was “getting more and more confrontational.”

Washington “is essentially inciting the Kyiv dictatorship to commit terror actions in Russia” by arguing that Crimea was a part of Ukraine and by asserting that Kiev can use American armaments to defend its territory, according to Antonov.

Separately, former president Dmitry Medvedev issued a warning that a nuclear conflict would result from the West’s continuous support for Ukraine.

In his essay, he stated that “a nuclear power losing in a conventional conflict can spark the start of a nuclear war.”

“Nuclear powers have not fallen behind in significant battles that determine their future.”

According to Peskov, Medvedev’s remarks were consistent with Russian nuclear doctrine.





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