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AustraliaJacinda Ardern, the departing prime minister of New Zealand, is lauded

Jacinda Ardern, the departing prime minister of New Zealand, is lauded

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Jacinda Ardern, the outgoing prime minister of New Zealand, has received a deluge of tributes after announcing she would leave her post no later than early February and would not run for reelection.

Ardern’s shocking declaration on Thursday that she had “no more in the tank” to serve as prime minister of New Zealand was met with amazement and then appreciation from her supporters and fellow politicians both at home and abroad.

The 42-year-old Arden claimed that five and a half years as prime minister had been difficult and that she now needed to step down because she was only human.

Politicians are people too. For as long as we can, we give everything we have, but eventually it must end. And it’s time for me,” she remarked.

Leading the tributes from Australian lawmakers, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praised Ardern for guiding her nation with a balance of firmness and wisdom.

Albanese stated on Twitter that she has “shown that empathy and insight are powerful leadership traits.”

Jacinda has been a tenacious defender of New Zealand, a source of inspiration for countless people, and a dear friend to me.

Ardern stated in her resignation letter that she was leaving not because the work was challenging but rather because she thought other people could handle the position more effectively.

In addition to telling her longtime partner Clarke Gayford that it was time for them to get married, she made a point of telling her daughter Neve that she was excited to be there when she started school this year.

Katy Gallagher, Australia’s minister for finance, women, and public service, said that Ardern had set an example for a generation of young women who had watched her lead New Zealand with “strong, empathy, and grace,” writing that “you can’t be what you can’t see.”

Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, complimented Ardern for her courage, understanding, and compassion and thanked her for her friendship and partnership over the years.

“You have made an immeasurable difference. Nothing but the best for you and your family, my friend,” Trudeau wrote on Twitter.

The head of the World Health Organization’s office in Vietnam, Angela Pratt, tweeted, “Thank you for so many things, PM Ardern, but especially for making kindness and empathy cool again.”

Political analyst Ben Thomas said Ardern’s statement came as a great surprise because polls consistently showed that she was the nation’s preferred prime minister, despite the fact that her party’s popularity had declined from the sky-high levels recorded before the 2020 election.

According to Thomas, there was no obvious replacement.

Because of her gender and youth, Ardern’s first election in 2017 made a significant impact on the world stage, giving rise to the term “Jacinda-mania.”

Her response to the mass murders at two mosques in Christchurch in 2019 that left 51 people dead and 40 injured solidified her compassionate leadership approach.

One day after the incident, Ardern met with the Muslim community while wearing a hijab and declared that the entire country was “unified in grief.” She quickly referred to the attacks as “terrorism.” Within a month, she fulfilled her commitment to implement significant gun law change.

Australia’s minister for energy and climate change, Chris Bowen, praised Ardern for “leading her country through its worst ever day.”

Bowen remarked on Twitter, “She inspired people all throughout the world with her calm, confident, progressive, and robust leadership.”

Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown praised Ardern for her leadership during some of the most trying periods the globe and New Zealand has experienced since World War II, such as the Christchurch mosque massacre, the 2019 eruption of White Island, and the COVID-19 epidemic.

According to New Zealand’s Stuff news outlet, Brown added, “You leave a legacy of true leadership.”

Ardern received acclaim from all political corners for how she handled the COVID-19 epidemic, which forced New Zealand to enact some of the harshest regulations ever while still having one of the lowest death tolls.

But Ardern also had to deal with mounting resentment from individuals who opposed laws and regulations related to the coronavirus at home.

Last year, a protest that started on the grounds of the Parliament continued for more than three weeks before the protesters were compelled to disperse. Former New Zealand leaders rarely witnessed the level of animosity hurled at Ardern that resulted from the coronavirus debate’s raging emotions. Due to security concerns, she was forced to postpone her yearly BBQ.

The country has also grown more politically divided over issues like a government overhaul of water infrastructure and the introduction of an agricultural emissions program, which have contributed to the decline in her popularity over the past year as inflation rose to levels not seen in nearly three decades.

Ardern’s departure was a “sad day for politics,” according to Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, a member of parliament and co-leader of New Zealand’s Te Pati Maori political organization.

“It is a terrible day for politics,” Ngarewa-Packer remarked, “when an exceptional leader is removed from office for persistent personalization and vilification.”

She claimed that during the past two years, “her whanau [family] have weathered the harshest attacks with what we feel to be the most humiliating type of politics we have ever seen.”

The vice chairman of the Eurasia Group and a Canadian political strategist named Gerald Butts said Ardern was departing her position “as she led: honestly, empathetically, on her own terms.” Bravo on a job well done.

On Sunday, members of the ruling Labour Party will vote for a new leader. From then until the subsequent general election, the new party leader will serve as prime minister.

A general election will be held on October 14 and Ardern’s tenure as leader will end no later than February 7.





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