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SportsTen Chinese snooker players have been accused of match-fixing

Ten Chinese snooker players have been accused of match-fixing

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Ten Chinese snooker players, including some of the game’s biggest stars, have been accused of match-fixing, which has caused a serious corruption crisis in the sport.

The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA), the sport’s governing body, said in a statement on Wednesday that its integrity unit had uncovered several infractions committed by the players.

According to the report, the 16th-ranked Yan Bingtao is suspected of fixing matches and betting on snooker, while the ninth-ranked Zhao Xintong has been charged “with being concerned in fixing matches on the World Snooker Tour” and with betting on matches.

Former United Kingdom Championship finalist Liang Wenbo has been accused of “concerning match fixing and soliciting players to rig matches on the World Snooker Tour, aiming to hinder the investigation, and failing to assist with the WPBSA investigation.”

Li Hang, Lu Ning, Zhang Jiankang, Chen Zifan, Chang Bingyu, Zhao Jianbo, and Bai Langning were the other athletes charged.

The World Snooker Tour and other WPBSA-governed tournaments are currently off limits to the players until the conclusion of any hearings and the outcome of this case, according to the statement.

“This matter will be referred to a formal hearing before an Independent Disciplinary Tribunal,” it continued. “The location and date of the hearing will be confirmed.”

Due in large part to the success of Ding Junhui, who has won the Masters and the UK Championship and finished second in the World Championship, snooker has gained popularity in China during the past ten years.

The World Championship is held annually in Sheffield, England, and many Chinese athletes are stationed there.





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