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SportsThe shocking death at age 38 of Jay Briscoe has the wrestling...

The shocking death at age 38 of Jay Briscoe has the wrestling community in grief

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

One of the top tag team wrestlers in the world, Jay Briscoe, passed away at the age of 38.

The Briscoes, Jay and his brother Mark, have won the promotion’s tag team championship 13 times total, including the current reign.

Tony Khan, the founder of AEW and the person who bought Ring of Honor in March, made the announcement.

Jamin Pugh has sadly died away. He was a star in ROH for more than 20 years, from the first show to the present, and was known to fans as Jay Briscoe, Khan tweeted on Tuesday night. “Jay and his brother Mark dominated ROH and continue to hold the titles. We’ll make every effort to help his family. Peace be with you, Jamin.

Two individuals, including Briscoe, perished in an automobile accident in Laurel, Delaware.

Since 2002, the Briscoes have been a part of Ring of Honor. Their two-time world champion in the singles division is Jay Briscoe.

Briscoe has already received numerous tributes.

Since hearing the news, I have been in tears. I simply lack the words. Cash Wheeler of the tag team FTR tweeted, “Rest in Peace Jay. Three matches were contested by the teams, with the most recent taking place in December.

“One of the top joys of my brief ROH stint and career was being able to not only work with the Briscoes, but having the ultimate privilege to wrestle Mark and Jay,” professional wrestler Danhausen continued. He was one of the greatest wrestlers who has ever lived, and he was always so kind and helpful to everyone. Peace be with you.





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