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Bangladesh50 additional model mosques are opened by Hasina in Bangladesh

50 additional model mosques are opened by Hasina in Bangladesh

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The country’s 50 more model mosques and Islamic cultural centers were opened by the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, on Monday.

She inaugurated the model mosques virtually from her official residence in Dhaka, Ganabhaban.

With the launching of those in the second phase, the PM will have officially opened 100 of the 564 mosques that cost Taka 9435 crore to construct across Bangladesh.

On June 10, 2021, she began the first step of opening 50 mosques.

In the third phase, Sheikh Hasina is anticipated to inaugurate 50 additional mosques and an Islamic cultural center by the end of February.

In June 2024, work on the remaining mosques and the Islamic Cultural Center is expected to be finished.

The recently inaugurated model mosques and Islamic cultural centers are situated at Bhanga upazila, Nagarkanda in Faridpur, Kapasia in Gazipur, Sadar upazila in Gopalganj, Sadar upazila in Kishoreganj, Gheor upazila in Manikganj, Saturia in Narsingdi, Goalanda upazila in Rajbari, district headquarters, Bhedarganj upazila in Shariat.

The air conditioning system and separate areas for ablution and namaj are features of model mosques and Islamic cultural centers.

Along with the mosques, there will also be accommodations for local and foreign visitors, a conference room for Islamic cultural activities and Islamic dawat, an Islamic book sale center, an autism corner, a pre-primary education and Quran learning arrangement, a hifzakhana, a research center and Islamic library, a center for Imam training, and a ritual system before burial.

Md. Faridul Haque Khan, the state minister for religious affairs, and Kazi Enamul Hassan, the minister’s secretary, both spoke at the event from the capital’s Osmani Smriti Auditorium.

The Cumilla district’s Rajshahi, Shariatpur, and Chouddagram locations were also connected to the program due to the presence of local parliamentarians, public representatives, political party leaders, government officials, alem-ulama, and regular citizens.

At the event, a film documentary about model mosques and Islamic cultural centers was shown.

Sheikh Hasina has came up with the concept of building 564 model mosques all throughout the nation because she is inspired with the spirit of Islam and because she is following in the footsteps of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the country’s founding president.

The project’s goal is to raise awareness of the Islamic Brotherhood and its principles while also promoting Islam’s fundamental opposition to extremism and militancy, which the religion never condones.

Along with promoting government development initiatives, it would focus on raising awareness of terrorism and violence against women.

In 64 districts and city corporation regions, 69 four-story mosques with elevators and a floor area of 2,360.09 square meters each are being built under category A.

475 mosques in category B are being constructed with a floor area of 1680.14 square meters each, while 16 mosques in category C are being constructed in coastal areas with a floor area of 2,052.12 square meters each.





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