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AustraliaAnthony Albanese claims that Australia's relationship with PNG has moved out of...

Anthony Albanese claims that Australia’s relationship with PNG has moved out of its “naughty corner”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After Australia was placed in the “naughty corner” by the coalition government, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese claims that strengthening aid links with Papua New Guinea is in the country’s best interests.

The federal opposition has expressed disappointment that a security agreement was not reached with PNG during the prime minister’s two-day visit.

The first trip to PNG by a prime minister since 2018 ended on Friday afternoon when Anthony Albanese secured an agreement to conclude negotiations on a security treaty by the end of April.

In June, Mr. Albanese stated that he “hoped to have a signing.”

Although the engagement with PNG was appreciated, Liberal front-runner Simon Birmingham said it was “disappointing” the treaty was not signed during the visit.

However, Mr. Albanese claimed that his government has been active in mending bridges since since winning the election and returning to Australia.

According to Mr. Albanese on Saturday, “We were in a position where we were just in the naughty corner, unable to interact in the region.”

“Without being worried about climate change and taking action, you cannot participate in our region. We have taken that action.”

According to Mr. Albanese, an aid program that raises the living standards of those in the region is in the national interest of Australia.

Mr. Albanese stated, “That is good humanitarian policy, but it’s also beneficial for Australia’s national interest.”

For 2022–2023, Australia’s official estimated aid budget is $500 million.

According to Mr. Albanese, it’s critical that PNG’s healthcare and educational systems are in top shape.

With the signing of the Comprehensive Strategic and Economic Partnership in 2020, the former coalition government started work on the security pact.

A bilateral security agreement that would handle “other common interests, including crisis and disaster management, enhanced information sharing, strengthened border control, transnational crime, cyber security, and land, air, and maritime security” was the fourth pillar of that alliance.

While it’s sad that the treaty won’t be signed during this visit, Senator Birmingham told reporters in Adelaide on Friday that he hopes it will be signed soon.

“We need to make sure that we collaborate with these regional partners as thoroughly as we can.”

Australia is PNG’s major trading and investment partner, and it also contributes the most to its development.

PNG welcomed Australia’s bid to host the COP31 climate summit in 2026 during the visit, and Mr. Albanese backed efforts to increase the number of skilled and unskilled PNG employees entering the labor force in industries including agriculture and the care sector.

A five-year program was also approved to encourage more PNG women to assume leadership positions, including winning elections to the legislature.

Additional discussions are expected to take place about commerce, biosecurity enhancements, law and order challenges, and a potential PNG-based National Rugby League club.

Mr. Albanese claimed that his counterpart in PNG was fervently supportive of an NRL team.

On Saturday, he remarked, “I know people in Queensland and NSW are passionate about their rugby league.

“But let me tell you this: Compared to the intensity that people in PNG have for rugby league, the passion felt here in Australia for badminton is similar,” he said.

The Pacific region is considered to be the forefront in terms of catastrophic damage from more frequent and intense weather events, and Mr. Albanese was encouraged to take further action against climate change during the visit.





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