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AustraliaDominic Perrottet apologizes and expresses regret for dressing in a Nazi costume...

Dominic Perrottet apologizes and expresses regret for dressing in a Nazi costume at his 21st birthday celebration

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Dominic Perrottet, the premier of New South Wales, has expressed regret for donning a Nazi costume at his 21st birthday celebration in the past.

On Thursday, Mr. Perrottet spoke in front of the media to express his “great shame” about wearing the outfit to the fancy dress party in 2003.

The 40-year-old informed the media that he wanted to address a concern that had been brought up with him two days prior by a coworker.

“At my 21st costume party, I dressed as a Nazi. I’m incredibly sorry for the harm and suffering this will cause people all around our state, and I’m incredibly embarrassed of what I did “Added Mr. Perrottet.

especially Jewish community members, Holocaust survivors, veterans, and their families.

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Mr. Perrottet claimed he was “naive” and unaware of the consequences of his choice at the time, calling it a “grave and horrible mistake.”

“I just did not comprehend the depth and the hurt of what that uniform signifies to folks not just in our state but around the country and around the world at that age in my life,” he added.

“I wish I could turn the clock back and relive that day.”

Before the press conference, the premier claimed to have spoken with Jewish authorities. He continued, “I’m not the same person I was at 21.”

The Coalition’s chances of winning re-election at the state election on March 25 were thought to be in jeopardy due to rumors that a photo of Mr. Perrottet dressed in Nazi garb was about to be leaked.

Perrottet, however, stated: “I’m unaware of that. I’ve never seen one, so I have no idea if one exists “.

The Premier stressed that he should “not someone else” but NSW residents justify his choice.

Given that he had been the premier for more than a year and a member of parliament since 2011, when questioned why he hadn’t apologized sooner, he replied, “Maybe I should have.”

“Over the years, I have considered talking about it at various points. It’s been challenging, and the more time has passed in my life, the more I’ve experienced its pain “Added Mr. Perrottet.

“It’s the right thing to do for the people of our state to hear it from me,” I said after learning that it had been brought up with me the other day.

We appreciate that the Premier personally reached out to the Jewish community this afternoon to convey his profound and honest sorrow for his poor choice of costume as a young man, said NSW Jewish Board of Deputies President David Ossip and CEO Darren Bark in a joint statement.

The statement said, “This occurrence, no matter how old, serves as a reminder of the need to continuously educate all Australians – and especially our kids – about the disgusting character of the Nazi dictatorship and the evil performed in service of the Nazi ideology.





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