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SportsTo support Saudi Arabia's World Cup bid, Ronaldo's contract "has no clause"

To support Saudi Arabia’s World Cup bid, Ronaldo’s contract “has no clause”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Al Nassr of Saudi Arabia has refuted claims that Cristiano Ronaldo’s contract includes a provision requiring him to act as an ambassador for the Gulf nation’s quest to host the 2030 World Cup.

Ronaldo relocated to Al Nassr last month after signing a 2.5-year deal worth more than 200 million euros ($210 million), according to the media.

According to media sources, Ronaldo, 37, would receive an additional 200 million euros to help Saudi Arabia’s World Cup campaign.

According to a statement released by the club early on Wednesday, “Al Nassr FC would want to clarify that contrary to recent rumors, Cristiano Ronaldo’s contract with Al Nassr does not contain commitments to any World Cup bids.”

His main priorities are Al Nassr and working with his teammates to advance the club.

Just weeks after the World Cup in neighboring Qatar, Ronaldo arrived in Saudi Arabia in early January. At the same time, Saudi Arabia was considering a joint Asia-Africa-Europe bid to host football’s biggest event with Egypt and Greece.

The deadline for submitting proposals to host the 2030 World Cup was extended last year, and the FIFA Congress in 2024 will decide who will win.

The World Cup will be shared for the first time by three separate nations in 2026 when it is held in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The most well-known player to visit Saudi Arabia, the Gulf, or any nation in the Asian confederation is Cristiano Ronaldo.

For the Portuguese forward, who led championship-laden seasons with Manchester United, Real Madrid, and Juventus, Al Nassr, the nine-time Saudi league champions, represent a substantial decline in standards.

Following the Saudi ownership of English Premier League team Newcastle United last year, a Saudi drive into sports, including golf, boxing, tennis, and Formula One, as well as football, was the backdrop for Ronaldo’s signing.

Future iterations of the Asian Games, Asian Winter Games, men’s and women’s Asian Cups of football will all be held in Saudi Arabia, which is now ruled by de facto monarch Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.





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