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BangladeshChina will continue to participate in Bangladesh's subsequent stages of development: Momen

China will continue to participate in Bangladesh’s subsequent stages of development: Momen

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, who was recently appointed, has informed Bangladesh that his nation will “stay engaged” in Bangladesh’s efforts to advance to the next stage of development while praising its “amazing” economic growth in recent years.

“Our conversation was incredibly beneficial and successful. The good news is that China has indicated a desire to continue cooperating with Bangladesh on our development path. They wish to collaborate with us as a partner, according to Dr. AK Abdul Momen, the foreign minister.

The greatest Bangalee of all time, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, celebrated his historic Homecoming Day on Tuesday. Speaking to reporters after the event, Momen said they discussed the effects of the Ukraine war, such as disruptions in the supply and financial chains.

We must cooperate to resolve the current crisis (caused by the Ukraine war),” Momen stated. “A new situation has arisen.

Momen claimed that he brought up the enormous trade deficit with China since Bangladesh purchases goods worth US$ 13 billion while only exporting items worth US$ 800 million.

He claimed that even though a decision to allow duty-free and quota-free imports for 98 percent of Bangladeshi goods had been made, it had not yet been completely implemented because there had been no gazette announcement.

Businesses have not yet taken advantage of the DFQF facilities in the Chinese market, according to Momen, who is asking for Chinese government intervention.

He stated that the Chinese side believes that there are some issues in Myanmar that have prevented the return of the Rohingyas. He (Chinese FM) “remains optimistic, nonetheless.”

According to Momen, radicalization could occur if the issue is not fixed. These persons lack a nationality. Future plans are not definite. They might therefore fall victim to terrorism and extremism. Peace will be disturbed as a result for the entire reason, he continued.

In order to fix the issue as quickly as possible, the Chinese side was asked to take exceptional measures by the Bangladeshi foreign minister.

“At least the procedure ought to get going. Referring to his conversation with the Chinese Foreign Minister, Momen informed reporters, “He (Chinese FM) on this.

Over 1.1 million Rohingyas are living in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char, and since August 2017, not a single one of them has been sent back home.

Following a brutal crackdown on Rohingya Muslims in August 2017, hundreds of thousands of people fled into Bangladesh from across the border in Myanmar.

Bangladesh further assured Beijing of Dhaka’s support by stating that it pursues a balanced foreign policy and walks side by side with all nations.

“We support the idea of a single China. We keep an impartial foreign policy. This is how we operate. As stated to his Chinese colleague who was making a quick stopover there, Momen told reporters at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport early on Tuesday that “we will provide our support (to China) from time to time”

Upon his arrival at around 1:58 in the morning, Momen welcomed his Chinese colleague, a senior official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed.

In a brief meeting held in the airport’s VIP lounge, the two foreign ministers discussed topics of shared interest.

Momen called the 2016 visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Bangladesh a turning point, but he also pointed out that many investment-related decisions have still to be carried out.

The engagement of China in several significant development projects, including the rail connection of the Padma Bridge, was also acknowledged by Bangladesh’s foreign minister.

He also expressed his gratitude to the Chinese authorities for helping Bangladesh during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Momen received an invitation from the Chinese foreign minister to visit Beijing at a mutually agreeable time.

In response, Momen also extended a longer-stay invitation to his Chinese colleague.

At 2:50 a.m. on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Momen bid farewell to his Chinese counterpart at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.

Momen had earlier told UNB that the Chinese foreign minister was passing through Bangladesh on his way to another country and that it was not an official visit.

The newly appointed ambassador to the US, Qin Gang, began his tenure with a weeklong tour of five African nations.

Foreign Minister Qin Gang will travel to Ethiopia, Gabon, Angola, Benin, Egypt, the African Union Headquarters, and the League of Arab States Headquarters on invitation from January 9 to 16, 2023, according to a statement from the Chinese foreign ministry’s press office, Wang Wenbin. This trip is intended to “deepen the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership” and promote friendly cooperation between China and Africa.

He stated that Africa has served as the annual first abroad assignment for the Chinese foreign ministers for 33 years running.

We were fortunate to be able to welcome him on January 10th. He previously visited Bangladesh in 2016 when traveling with President Xi Jinping, according to Momen.

The fact that so many nations are seriously considering Bangladesh as a result of its sensible foreign policy, according to the foreign minister, is encouraging.

“We are receiving a lot of attention. Additionally, we desire more interactions (with friendly nations),” Momen said.





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