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WorldBolsonaro is missing. His wife says he is hospitalized Published

Bolsonaro is missing. His wife says he is hospitalized Published

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to his wife, Jair Bolsonaro, the former president of Brazil, was transported to the hospital due to abdominal pain.

It happens the day after tens of thousands of his followers invaded the capital city of Brazil’s government buildings.

On Monday, Mr. Bolsonaro was reportedly admitted to a hospital close to Orlando.

After being stabbed in 2018, the former president occasionally had stomach ache.

Michelle Bolsonaro verified her husband’s evaluation due to abdomen discomfort on Instagram on Monday.

His condition was described as “not alarming” by a family source, according to the media. O Globo, a Brazilian news outlet, broke the story first.

About ten days ago, Mr. Bolsonaro traveled to the United States from Brazil. Last week, he declined to take part in President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s transfer of power.

Members of his party are pressuring US President Joe Biden to expel Mr. Bolsonaro from the nation.

According to Democratic Representative Joaquin Castro, Bolsonaro shouldn’t be in Florida. “This authoritarian who has instigated domestic terrorism in Brazil shouldn’t be allowed to seek sanctuary in the United States. He need to be returned to Brazil.”

Another Democrat in Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, urged the US to “stop providing Bolsonaro sanctuary in Florida” in a tweet.

According to US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the Brazilian government has not made “any official request” regarding Mr. Bolsonaro’s visa.

In September 2018, Mr. Bolsonaro was assaulted at a political rally in the state of Minas Gerais. Later that year, he went on to win the election.

After a contentious campaign, he barely lost his attempt for re-election to former President Lula in October.





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