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BangladeshPM for achieving Bangabandhu's goal of creating a modern "Smart Bangladesh"

PM for achieving Bangabandhu’s goal of creating a modern “Smart Bangladesh”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In order to realize the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu’s vision of a “Golden Bangladesh” and a prosperous, developed “Smart Bangladesh” by 2041, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has asked everyone to cooperate while reaffirming their commitment to thwart any domestic and foreign conspiracies.

In a message on the occasion of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahma, the Prime Minister said, “Let us pledge-resisting all domestic and foreign conspiracies and being inspired by the spirit of the Great Liberation War, we will together play an effective role in the construction of the Father of the nation’s dream of ‘Golden Bangladesh’ and a developed and prosperous ‘Smart Bangladesh’ by 2041.



She claimed that on this day in 1972, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation and the greatest Bengali in the history of the Bengali liberation movement, was freed from a Pakistani prison and returned to his native Bangladesh.

“The newly independent Bangladeshi people received their most cherished leader back. The thrill of our liberation war’s ultimate victory was realized with the coming of our Great Leader, she said.

According to Sheikh Hasina, the Father of the Nation toiled for 24 long years to free the Bengali people from the chains of oppression. She claimed that Bangabandhu was a leader on all fronts, from the language campaign to the Independence War, and that he underwent torture in prison, always took the long view, and organized the party above and beyond personal interests.

She claimed that under his guidance, the Bangladesh Awami League won an overwhelming majority of the votes in the 1970 elections, but the Pakistani military dictatorship disregarded the results and launched a sham. She added that to achieve the ultimate independence, Father of the Nation said in front of a million people on March 7, 1971, at the racecourse maidan, “…turn every house into a fortress… the struggle this time is a struggle for emancipation, the struggle this time is a struggle for independence.”
In the dead of night on March 25, 1971, the Pakistani occupation forces began a horrific killing spree against defenseless Bengalis, and on March 26, Bangabandhu declared Bangladesh’s independence.

She claimed that shortly after the country’s declaration of independence, Pakistani soldiers detained the nation’s founder and imprisoned him in an unidentified location where he was tortured inhumanely.
She claimed that on April 10, 1971, Bangabandhu was chosen to lead the Mujibnagar government. Shekh Hasina remarked that Bangabandhu lifted the spirits of Bengalis as he counted the seconds before his execution as a convict in the absurd case of Pakistan’s Kangaroo court, and she added that Bangabandhu served as a beacon of hope for the liberation fighters.

“Under his steadfast guidance, the Bengali people engaged in a life-or-death struggle and won the day on December 16th. Bangabandhu was released by the vanquished Pakistani government in the early morning hours of January 8, 1972, and he arrived in London that same day, according to her.

She added that in a speech to a crowd of millions at the racecourse that day, the Father of the Nation described the brutal torture of the Pakistani military junta and called on the United Nations to bring the Pakistani army to justice for committing heinous crimes and genocide during the Great Liberation War. The Father of the Nation kissed the ground of his beloved motherland at noon on January 10, 1972, with a brief stopover in Delhi in the morning, she said.

She claimed that on January 12, 1972, the Father of the Nation took office as prime minister and immediately began to reconstruct the country of Bangladesh, which had been devastated by war.
The prime minister said that as a result of his forceful action, the Indian allied forces had left Bangladesh by 15 March and Bangabandhu had signed the first constitution of Bangladesh on 14 December.

She claimed that Bangladesh received recognition from 123 nations and 16 international organizations as a result of the Father of the Nation’s successful bilateral and multilateral diplomatic efforts.

“In just three and a half years, it transformed from a war-torn nation to the least developed nation, and Bangladesh stood with a high head in the world,” she continued.

The anti-independence and war criminal faction ruthlessly murdered the Father of the Nation, along with his family, on August 15, 1975, ushering in the politics of assassination, coup, and conspiracy in this nation. They blocked the assassination trial of Bangabandhu by passing an indemnity ordinance on September 26, 1975, she continued.

According to Sheikh Hasina, the Mostaq-Zia gang established them politically and granted the murderers diplomatic status in Bangladeshi embassies as a reward. She added that they violated the constitution and stifled press freedom in addition to destroying democracy by imposing Martial Law and distorting the noble history of independence.

She added that on November 12 of the same year, the Awami League government adopted the “Indemnity Ordinance Repeal Act, 1996” and began the trial of the assassination of the Father of the Nation. This came after 21 years of a protracted struggle and numerous sacrifices.

“We updated the textbooks to reflect the actual history of independence and the liberation struggle. In the 2008 election, we triumphed handily and were chosen three times in a row by the general public. The sentence of the nation’s founding father’s killers was carried out by us. Through the creation of the International Criminal Tribunal, war criminals have been tried. Through the fifteenth amendment to the constitution, we have guaranteed the right of the populace to vote and have halted the illegitimate takeover of power, she continued.
She claimed that the current administration is making unrelenting efforts to realize Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s vision. The Awami League administration is moving Bangladesh toward prosperity by overcoming many obstacles, she noted.

The United Nations recognized Bangladesh as a developing country on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Father of the Nation and the golden jubilee of independence, the premier said. This is a singular accomplishment of our government.

Bangabandhu, according to Sheikh Hasina Sheikh Mujib prepared the entire country for battle in order to realize his dream of a day when the people of this nation would choose their own destiny. He also created an opportunity for people to experience a taste of freedom through his fearless leadership.

She claimed that independent Bangladesh’s people representing themselves proudly on the international stage without showing favoritism to foreign powers is the Awami League government’s greatest accomplishment.

On the occasion of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Homecoming Day, the prime minister wished for the overall success of all the national and international programs.





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