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BangladeshUS acknowledges Bangladesh's long-standing partnership: Biden, Joe

US acknowledges Bangladesh’s long-standing partnership: Biden, Joe

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to US President Joe Biden, his country recognizes its long-standing relationship with Dhaka and calls Bangladesh’s economic success over the past 50 years a “amazing narrative.”

The Bangladesh Embassy in Washington, DC, reported on Sunday that he made the comments when presenting Muhammad Imran, the newly appointed ambassador of Bangladesh to the United States, with his credentials at the White House.

In his written remarks, Mr. Biden acknowledged “our lasting alliance with Bangladesh” as 2022 commemorates the 50th anniversary of U.S.-Bangladesh relations.

Ambassador Imran recently officially presented the credentials to the US President and welcomed him on behalf of President Md. Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

President Biden welcomed the new Bangladeshi ambassador to the United States and stated that his government was looking forward to working with the Ambassador to strengthen bilateral ties between the two nations.

“As we handle the opportunities and challenges ahead, my Administration is looking forward to working with you to strengthen our relationships. In a letter to the Ambassador, he wrote, “It is a joy to welcome you to Washington.

Additionally, Biden promised the ambassador from Bangladesh that he would offer all kinds of cooperation while he was a US resident.

He added that Bangladesh has become a key partner in matters of international trade, investment, climate change, humanitarian aid, refugee resettlement, UN peacekeeping, counterterrorism, maritime security, and other security concerns.

According to Biden, Bangladesh has developed its primarily agrarian economy into a regional economic power that is well-positioned to play a significant role in global supply chains.

“I hope that our countries will keep tackling issues like climate change, refugees, and maritime security. We care about your achievement and support everyone’s right to freely take part in and contribute to the growth of their nation, he said.

The US President expressed gratitude to Bangladesh for its generosity in hosting nearly one million Rohingyas and pledged to support Bangladesh in helping these refugees and their host communities and defending their rights.

He stated that the United States is dedicated to identifying long-lasting, viable solutions to this humanitarian disaster.

The US President spoke about the COVID-19 pandemic and how pleased his country is to work with Bangladesh to combat the worldwide epidemic under the COVID-19 Global Action Plan.

We are dedicated to growing our collaboration in the months and years to come, he said.

For the first time since the coronavirus outbreak, the US president recently accepted the credentials of the newly-appointed envoys in person at the White House. In a group of ten ambassadors, Ambassador Imran was the first to present credentials.

Ambassador Imran laid a floral wreath at the bust of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the Bangladesh Embassy after returning from the White House to pay rich respect to the nation’s founding father.





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