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WorldRepublican Kevin McCarthy is the new speaker of the US House

Republican Kevin McCarthy is the new speaker of the US House

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Kevin McCarthy, a Republican congressman, has been chosen as speaker of the House of Representatives, defeating right-wing dissenters who had prevented him from becoming speaker for several days.

McCarthy finally won the gavel of the House after 15 rounds of voting, garnering 216 of the 428 votes cast late on Friday. Hakeem Jeffries of the Democrats received 212 votes.

A speaker was not chosen in the first round for the first time in a century.

Before the House meeting on Friday, McCarthy’s bid for speaker seemed uncertain. After three days of trying to get a majority but failing, he was negotiating with right-wing rebels.

After a poor midterm election showing in November that saw Democrats maintain control of the United States Senate, Republicans narrowly won control of the House.

McCarthy, a Californian, takes Nancy Pelosi’s place as the senior lawmaker’s successor after she declared her intention to leave the Democratic House leadership last month. Jeffries, a Democrat from Upcoming York, will lead the House’s minority in the new Congress.

McCarthy earlier threatened to use his new position to thwart Democratic agenda and step up scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s administration.

Kevin McCarthy may have been one of the many individuals who believed this was not going to occur, according to Fisher.

“He has had this as a lifelong goal. He has been very eager to land this position.

Before deciding to support McCarthy, the Republican dissidents made a number of requests, including modifying the House rules so that any member may propose a motion of no confidence in the speaker.

A larger voice on the House Rules and Appropriations committees would give them more power over the budget of the US government and the selection of measures that may be considered for passage by the chamber. Details of the potential agreement that caused the majority of them to switch their votes in McCarthy’s favor are still unknown.

Hunter Biden’s business dealings will be the subject of a congressional investigation, according to the newly elected House speaker. Democrats have dismissed this claim as a conspiracy theory.





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