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WorldPrince Harry is accused by a Taliban leader of killing Afghan civilians

Prince Harry is accused by a Taliban leader of killing Afghan civilians

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Prince Harry of Britain has come under fire from the Taliban government for admitting to killing 25 people while serving in Afghanistan, and a top Afghan official has charged the prince of murdering innocent civilians.

Taliban leader Anas Haqqani told Al Jazeera on Friday, “We verified and found that the days on which Prince Harry is mentioning the killing of 25 mujaheddin, we did not have any casualties in Helmand.” “It is obvious that ordinary citizens and civilians were the targets.”

He claimed that this incident was just one of many war crimes committed over the 20 years that Western forces were stationed in Afghanistan. “It is not a whole picture of the atrocities they committed.”

Prior to this, the Taliban chief charged the British royal with committing “war crimes.”

‘Mr. Harry!’ Haqqani tweeted in response to Prince Harry’s assertion that killing people who he called “enemy combatants” was like removing “chess pieces” from a board. He was making reference to the fact that the people he said were “enemy combatants” were actually “humans.”

The truth is what you’ve said: Your army, military, and political leaders used our defenseless citizens as chess pieces. Nevertheless, you lost that “game.”

In August 2021, the Taliban seized control once more after US-led NATO troops left Afghanistan after 20 years of military occupation. During the war, tens of thousands of Afghans—many of them civilians—were killed or injured. The repercussions of the conflict have still not completely left the nation.

Throughout the 20-year conflict, both the Taliban and the US-led forces have been accused of war crimes.

The British royal’s remarks, which have drawn a lot of criticism, were also criticized by Abdul Qahar Balkhi, spokesman for the ministry of foreign affairs.

Prince Harry’s remarks are a microcosm of the trauma endured by Afghans at the hands of occupation forces, who killed innocents without any accountability, he said. “The Western occupation of Afghanistan is truly an odious moment in human history.”

According to British media, Harry discloses how many people he murdered during two tours of duty in his memoir, which will be published next week.

“25 is my number. It’s not a figure that makes me happy, but it also doesn’t make me feel embarrassed, he said in the book “Spare,” which will be published on Tuesday. “I didn’t think of those 25 as humans when I was caught up in the heat and chaos of battle.

They were taken from the board like chess pieces. Eliminating bad people before they can kill good people.

The Duke of Sussex participated in airstrikes in Afghanistan from 2007 to 2008 as a forward air controller before flying Apache assault helicopters in 2012 and 2013. He was in the British military for ten years, reaching the rank of captain.

The prince gave an explanation of how the 9/11 attacks in the United States and his interactions with the victims’ families led to his decisions.

Fighting them was an act of retaliation for a crime against humanity, he claimed, and those involved and their supporters were “enemies of humanity.”

Harry’s comments, according to Afghan analyst Obaidullah Baheer stationed in Kabul, show how “collateral harm is such a slippery slope.”

He told media that “this lack of sentiment, utter detachment from the sin of murdering life, is justified by a greater cause.” “… Harry’s remarks may have been similar to those of a Talib combatant.

It’s amusing how Prince Harry hasn’t learned how to be a human or to cherish human life despite all this education and modernity, he said.

Due to his royal rank and history of engaging in combat with armed groups, Harry has since expressed anxiety about his protection.

After Harry and his American wife, Meghan, left the royal family’s service in 2020 to relocate to California and start a new life, a member of a royal family that strictly guards personal information about themselves published a book.

Since then, the couple has voiced harsh criticism of both the British media and the House of Windsor.

King Charles and Prince William’s spokespeople have refrained from commenting, as is customary for the royal family.

The 38-year-intensely old’s private album “Spare” went on sale in Spain days before its January 10 global release. In addition to other disclosures about the prince’s drug use and how he lost his virginity, it reveals the extent of the divide between him and his brother, William, who is first in line for the throne.





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