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BangladeshBangladesh may receive goods on a US-approved Russian ship by road from...

Bangladesh may receive goods on a US-approved Russian ship by road from India

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The shipment for the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant that had to be turned away from Bangladeshi beaches because it was being carried by an American-approved vessel may eventually be transported by road to its destination.

This is based on evidence that the Russian ship has been circling in the Bay of Bengal since the incident in late December rather than returning to port with the crucial equipment it was carrying. According to recent BBC reports, it may be planning to offload its shipment at the West Bengali port of Haldia.

Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, India has openly disobeyed US restrictions against Russian ships. Thus, all Indian ports are accessible to ships flying the Russian flag, even those with sanctions.

According to Kalachand Singh, secretary of the Mongla Port Authority, the Russian-flagged ship arrived at the Mongla port channel at the end of December with cargo for the Rooppur facility.

We now know that the cargo from the ship can be discharged at the Haldia port in West Bengal, India. The package for the Rooppur power plant might then be transported from that point by another vessel to a port in Bangladesh,’ the speaker continued.

At the Mongla port, Russian and neutral, foreign-flagged ships previously delivered goods for the Rooppur NPP, according to Sadhan Kumar, operations officer of Khulna Conveyor Shipping Lines. The cargo would be transported to Rooppur after being unloaded at the port.

The port in the country’s southwest was to receive the sanctioned Russian ship Sparta III, which was to offload goods for the Rooppur NPP near Pabna.

However, when officials received a letter from the US Embassy in Dhaka stating that the ship was on a list of Russian ships sanctioned by the US, they refused to allow the ship to land at the port.





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