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AustraliaAccording to Treasurer Jim Chalmers, the government is dedicated to increasing the...

According to Treasurer Jim Chalmers, the government is dedicated to increasing the workforce to support Australia’s aging population

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The Australian Treasurer has stated that the Albanese government is committed to developing the labor force to support Australia’s aging population.

Australia’s population is aging more quickly than previously believed, according to the government’s 2022 Population Statement, which was released today.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers responded to the findings by saying that the COVID-19 has made the issue of Australia’s aging population more challenging.

According to Treasurer Chalmers, the government must make sure we have the proper kind of workforce in order to continue offering the services, pensions, and health care that Australians have come to expect.

Additionally, you need to make sure you have the right kind of workforce to support the way that our population is changing, Dr. Chalmers said on ABC Radio. “And not just in the sense that you need to have enough taxpayers to support the investment in those areas – that is important –

The government would remedy this, according to the Treasurer, by expanding that staff.

There are numerous methods to accomplish it, he noted.

“Cheaper early childhood education is a major factor in the story since it allows more and more new parents, especially mothers, to work more and earn more money if they choose to. That benefits our labor force.

In terms of skills and training, there is much that can be done to ensure that we have the correct kind of people as the economy develops in the future. Additionally, migration plays a significant role in the narrative, but it is not a replacement for the other two elements.

The Treasurer stressed the significance of ensuring Australia receives the proper ratio of talented employees when it comes to immigration.

Dr. Chalmers added, “We also need to watch out that we’re not just bringing folks in without giving it much thought or consideration.

“We need to prepare people for possibilities, but skilled immigration also plays a part in completing that.

There is no denying that our economy is currently suffering from a severe scarcity of skilled workers.

Dr. Chalmers also stated that more needed to be done to prevent the exploitation of unskilled people, such as those in the agricultural industry.

We must ensure that we are acting ethically both toward firms seeking for employees and toward the employees themselves, he said.





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