23.7 C

WorldChad claims that it prevented officers' attempt at "destabilization"

Chad claims that it prevented officers’ attempt at “destabilization”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

On Thursday, the Chadian administration said that it had thwarted a “attempted destabilization” conspiracy by army officers and a well-known human rights advocate.

According to a government statement, the attempt was being carried out by a group of 11 officers, commanded by Baradine Berdei Targuio, president of the Chadian Organisation of Human Rights.

After December 8, according to the statement, the security services detained those in charge.

According to Communications Minister and government spokesman Aziz Mahamat Saleh, an official investigation had been initiated for “violation of the constitutional order, criminal association, unlawful possession of a handgun, and involvement.”

He stated that the investigating magistrate in charge of the matter had charged them and mandated their detention.

“The inquiry is proceeding as planned, and the government intends to use every available tool to clarify the situation and identify those responsible,” Saleh added.

On allegations of undermining the constitutional order for having stated that the then-leader of Chad, General Idriss Deby Itno, was dangerously ill, Targuio was given a three-year prison sentence in February 2021.

General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno has taken the post of Deby, who passed away in April 2022.

In violation of the law, protests were staged on October 20 to commemorate the two-year extension of the military junta’s first pledge to hand over control.

According to an official count, 50 individuals perished, including 10 security personnel.

Opposition parties, however, claim that the actual number was significantly higher and that unarmed citizens were slaughtered.

Deby charged that the protesters were engaging in “insurrection” and plotting a takeover.

According to the authorities, 601 individuals, including 83 juveniles, were detained in the N’Djamena region alone and sent to Koro Toro, a maximum-security detention facility situated 600 kilometers (375 miles) from the capital.

In a court in the jail, a total of 401 people were put on trial; the legal community boycotted the proceedings in retaliation.

A four-day trial resulted in 262 sentences of two to three years in prison, 80 suspended sentences, and 59 not guilty verdicts, according to the prosecution.

Idriss Deby Itno, Deby’s father, who had ruled the parched Sahel state for 30 years, died in an operation against rebels in April 2021, and Deby, at 38, assumed control.





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