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AustraliaSlain police officers Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold were remembered with a...

Slain police officers Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold were remembered with a public memorial that read, “Our hearts bleed blue.”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ



Two police officers who died in a tragic ambush last week near Chinchilla in southern Queensland have been remembered by the nation.

Numerous people attended the memorial service in Brisbane for Constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold, filling the conference center to its 8000 capacity.

The large throng was filled with sad eyes as family friends and dignitaries read tributes to the two deceased officers.

In Queensland, thousands of people attend a memorial service for Constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold.

While the memorial was being built around Queensland, thousands of other people gathered to remember the young cops who were killed on the Wieambilla property.

Constable Matthew Arnold was reportedly told, “You are a hero.”

The police department was like a second family to the constable, according to Senior Sargeant Laura Harriss, a close family friend of Arnold’s.

In a letter from his senior year, Arnold wrote: “I may be gone some day, perhaps soon, but know that I will never abandon you. I shall always hold dear in my heart each and every time we have had.

With his family, friends, and coworkers honoring him for his service, Arnold was stated to be proud to be a police officer and to have discovered his true passion and purpose.

Constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold’s coffins were present at the memorial.

Both constables’ caps were resting on the coffins.

Harris remarked, “You are a hero and will never be forgotten.

“May others always remember you and your name.”

Police officer Rachel McCrow is referred to as “one of a kind.”

Senior Constable Melissa Gibson, McCrow’s friend and coworker, described her as “the entire definition of kindness and altruism.”

Gibson added, “Rach was really one of a kind.
Behind all of that was this cheeky larrikin who enjoyed playing practical jokes and making funny memes about us.

Constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold’s coffins were present at the memorial.

I’m really proud of you for the bravery you showed in your last moments and for being such a warrior.

Gibson expressed regret for not being there for McCrow during the incident when she needed him.

She added, “That is something that will eternally bother me.

Officials honor the officers who gave their life to the power of good.

The families of Arnold and McCrow were told by police chaplain Jeffrey Baills that they should be “very proud” of the two for their service in the dying hours.
He declared that what occurred on December 12 was not Australian and had no place in this nation.

Our community has been horrified by this terrible conduct, and it has severely affected your (families).

Our hearts are bleeding blue today.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk place wreaths at the memorial for the killed police officers.

McCrow and Arnold, according to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, were a force for good in a world rife with resentment, strife, and ugly behavior.

She replied, “They dedicated their lives to it.
“This terrible pain and shattering loss cannot be reconciled with words.

“We shall recommit ourselves to following their example because there is significantly more good than evil. In honor of Rachel and Matthew, two young people who acted on their convictions.

Arnold and McCrow received the national police service medal and national medal, which are typically awarded to officers after 15 years of “diligent and ethical service,” from Queensland Police Commissioner Katrina Carroll.

Two excellent police officers have been gone, she added, “and so has the Queensland Police Service and the community.”





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