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BangladeshBirths and deaths will be registered by DNCC at ward councilors' offices

Births and deaths will be registered by DNCC at ward councilors’ offices

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

To ease the process and lessen suffering among the public, Dhaka North City Corporation, or DNCC, has decided to register births and deaths in each ward councillor’s office rather than in its regional headquarters.

To accomplish this, the DNCC wrote to the Office of the Registrar General, Birth and Death Registration and asked for each ward secretary’s user ID and password.

According to officials, the intended arrangement was approved by the registrar general’s office. To finalize the specifics, it will meet with the DNCC on Tuesday.

Six of the municipal corporation’s ten regional offices currently process registrations.

People have long complained that obtaining birth and death records is difficult. The council members have been clamoring for this software to be brought to their offices, claiming that doing so will lessen the pain.

Following the city corporation’s approval of the request in October, the DNCC forwarded the letter to the registrar’s office on November 29.

Births and deaths will be registered by Dhaka North City Corporation at ward councilors’ offices.

Citizens must go to the deputy commissioner’s office to make corrections to their birth or death certificates. Additionally, the DNCC has requested that the registrar general’s office take action to enable any adjustments to be made by the regional executive officers.

Mayor Tajul Islam expressed support for the proposal, according to Atiqul Islam.

“My point is that the quality of service will improve if we can offer services in all 54 wards aside from the regional offices,” Atiqul added.

“For registration, people from Badda and Satarkul must travel to Mohakhali. Residents of Bosila must travel to Karwan Bazar. Bosila and Karwan Bazar are too far away, and the city’s traffic congestion is getting worse. The strain will be reduced by decentralization.

Chief Health Officer at DNCC Brig Gen Md Jobaidur Rahman stated that the essential preparations had been done in order to begin the registration process at the ward level.

Ward council members will sign the registration forms after the new procedure is put into effect. Currently, the forms are signed by assistant health officials at the regional offices.

The registration costs are unchanged from before.

If you register within 45 days of a birth or death, it’s free. For registration after 45 days but before five years, the cost is Tk 25. After five years, it is Tk 50.

They approved of the decentralization of the registration process, according to Registrar General Md. Rashedul Hasan. “We’ll decide how the task will be done in our meeting on Tuesday.”

However, he insisted that the deputy commissioner’s office would still be the location for the correction. These actions will be taken gradually.

In addition to the difficulties in obtaining birth or death certificates, citizens also lament corruption.

When asked if such complaints will be registered at the ward councillor’s office,

Dewan Abdul Mannan, a council member for Ward 11, thinks that if registration is done at the ward level, bribery will stop since elected officials need the public’s support to win reelection. They “will work ethically.”





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