21.9 C

BangladeshCabinet requests improved cyber security

Cabinet requests improved cyber security

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

On Monday, the cabinet issued an order to the relevant agencies to improve national cyber security.

The instruction was given during an impromptu debate of the normal cabinet meeting, which was held at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in this location with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina presiding.

Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam briefed the media at the secretariat this afternoon after the meeting.
According to him, the cabinet requested that contemporary equipment be provided to boost cyber security.

He stated that cyber security is given particular priority as the nation moves toward digital banking.

Anwarul Islam claimed that the cabinet had ordered that the project for the underwater cable be finished as soon as possible.
Additionally, it urged the appropriate authorities to finish the construction of gas and oil pipelines as soon as possible to guarantee supplies.

According to him, the “Sarkari Chakori (Songsodhon) Ain” draft was approved by the cabinet. If the law is passed by parliament, autonomous institutions will have to obtain permission from the Finance Division in order to make financial decisions, just like governmental institutions.

Although “Sarkari Chakori Ain” was approved by the Parliament in 2018, he claimed there was some uncertainty in it.

According to the statute, the finance division is in charge of handling financial matters for government institutions, but he pointed out that the act was unclear about the financial matters of autonomous and statutory agencies like the Anti-Corruption Commission.

According to him, the act will also apply to autonomous universities.

The agreement between Iran and Bangladesh on preventing double taxation and tax avoidance was approved for ratification by the cabinet.

As the cabinet secretary, Khandker Anwarul Islam attended the meeting today for the final time before leaving on post retirement leave on December 15. Kabir Bin Anwar, the senior secretary for water resources, has already been named as the new cabinet secretary.





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