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AustraliaCharges have been filed following an alleged face-slashing arrest in Melbourne's west...

Charges have been filed following an alleged face-slashing arrest in Melbourne’s west by a police officer

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A police officer is alleged to have been cut in the face during the arrest as a result of an alleged incident that occurred in Melbourne’s west on Friday. Two men and a woman have been charged.

After a chase that culminated with an attack on the officer in Melton South at around 1pm on Friday, police were looking for people responsible for the theft of a food delivery car.

The car was allegedly stolen when the driver left it running while dropping off an order at a Kirkton Drive address in Kurunjang shortly about 9.25am.

Police then tracked the victim’s phone, which had been left inside the car, to find the stolen Toyota Camry on First Avenue in Melton South about 1pm.

When officers went to approach the car, two men ran from it and into the Wattle Place Reserve Playground, according to police.
An officer then tackled one of the men to the ground and was allegedly slashed in the face with a knife.

The officer, who was later taken to hospital, still managed to arrest the 34-year-old Bacchus Marsh man while injured. Following surgery, the injured police officer has been discharged from hospital.

Police found a homemade gun at the scene, which they allege one of the men dropped from his pocket during the scuffle.

The man from Bacchus Marsh has now been accused of 14 offenses, including causing serious injury with intent, assaulting a police officer, having a firearm while prohibited, and auto theft. He will show up in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on April 3 of the following year after being detained.

The charges against a 28-year-old Coomoora man include handling stolen items, owning cartridge ammunition, and owning a drug of dependence. On Wednesday, he will show up in court. A 21-year-old Wyndham Vale woman is accused of stealing a car, stealing fuel, and having cartridge ammo.





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