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WorldKyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party

Kyrsten Sinema leaves Democratic Party

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Formerly one of the most conservative Democrats in the US Senate, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona has decided to leave the Democratic Party and declare herself an independent, which might threaten the party’s tenuous hold on the majority in the Senate.

After Democrat Raphael Warnock’s victory in a Georgia run-off election solidified the party’s control of the Senate in the upcoming Congress, which begins early next month, Sinema made her decision on Friday.

In an opinion piece that appeared in The Arizona Republic, Sinema stated, “I registered as an Arizona independent.” I have never properly fit in either national party, like many Arizonans.”

The impact of Sinema’s flip on the next Senate’s party composition, where Democrats hold a 51-49 majority, is uncertain. The party, however, can afford to lose one seat now that Warnock has won. Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris would be the deciding vote in a tie in the Senate.

Sinema, 46, told Politico that her move will not change the “Senate structure”. She said she will not caucus with Republicans, but she will no longer attend Democratic Caucus meetings either. The news outlet cited the senator as saying that she “expects” to keep her committee assignments through the Democratic Party.

The White House praised Sinema as a “key partner” on Friday, invoking her work to pass major laws backed by President Joe Biden, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act.

“We understand that her decision to register as an independent in Arizona does not change the new Democratic majority control of the Senate, and we have every reason to expect that we will continue to work successfully with her,” White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.

Sinema will be the third independent in the Senate, alongside Bernie Sanders and Angus Kings. But the latter two are effectively Democrats. They caucus with the party and are reliable votes for Democratic-led legislation.

In the Senate’s current 50-50 split, Sinema and her fellow conservative Democrat Joe Manchin exercised enormous influence, using their votes to reshape Biden’s agenda.

While Sinema’s supporters praise her ability to work with Republicans across the aisle and rise above partisanship, left-leaning Democrats have rebuked her for refusing to back more ambitious policy goals.

Last year, the senator drew the ire of progressives when she helped sink a push to include a minimum wage increase in a pandemic aid bill. She cast her vote with a thumb-down gesture on the Senate floor – a move that left-wing activists saw as callous disregard for working people.

Sinema is serving her first term in the Senate after getting elected as a Democrat in 2018. Her victory marked a political shift in Arizona, from a conservative stronghold to a swing state.

Despite emerging as one of the most conservative, corporate-friendly Democrats on Capitol Hill, in her early years in politics, Sinema was a Green Party activist who championed progressive causes.

Early this year, the Arizona Democratic Party censured her for voting against changing the filibuster, a Senate procedure that allows the minority to veto major legislation by requiring a 60-vote threshold to pass bills.

At that time, Democrats were looking to advance a voting rights bill in Congress.

In 2024, Sinema will be running for reelection. She might run again, but that is uncertain. However, if she didn’t identify as a Democrat, she wouldn’t be vulnerable to a left-wing primary campaign.

If she decides to run as an independent and both major parties nominate candidates, it would set up a contentious contest in a state that might be crucial for determining Senate control in a year with a presidential election.

Sinema disclaimed interest in seeking the presidency in an interview with Politico.





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