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BangladeshFinally, a BNP rally is scheduled for December 10 at Golapbagh Grounds

Finally, a BNP rally is scheduled for December 10 at Golapbagh Grounds

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

BNP has finally received approval from Dhaka Metropolitan Police to hold the demonstration at Golapbagh Ground in Dhalpur of the city tomorrow (Saturday) (DMP).

Following a Friday lunchtime meeting with Chief of Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Harun Or Rashid, BNP Vice Chairman Dr. AZM Zahid Hossain made the information public.

A two-person BNP team led by AZM Zahid Hossain and law affairs secretary Kayser Kamal had earlier visited the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) office in an effort to resolve the dispute surrounding the party’s demonstration on December 10 in the city.

The DB head also told the group that security precautions would be taken at the location and requested that they make preparations for holding.

The delegation wanted to hold the rally at Dhalpur ground or any other ground in Dhaka south city.

So, Dhaka’s divisional rally will to be held at Golapbagh ground tomorrow.

Meanwhile, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and Standing Committee member Mirza Abbas have been shown arrested in a case filed with Paltan police station over Wednesday’s clash that left one dead and several injured.

“They have been arrested in the case filed under the Explosive Substance Act at Paltan police station on Thursday after questioning,” said Harun Or Rashid Chief of Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police at a press briefing in the capital Friday.

To decide their next course of action regarding the detention of two top leaders of the party by detectives, the leaders of the BNP standing committee have sat for an online meeting that started at 11:40am.

Meanwhile, Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, the most senior member of the BNP’s standing committee, will address a conference at the party chairperson’s Gulshan office at 3pm, said Sayrul Kabir Khan, a BNP media cell member.

BNP in the early hours on Friday claimed that plainclothes police picked up its Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and Standing Committee member Mirza Abbas from their homes in separate raids in the capital city.

Earlier on Thursday night, a BNP delegation had a six-hour meeting with the DMP commissioner where they talked about holding the rally on Saturday (December 10) either at Kamalapur Stadium or Mirpur Bangla College ground.

Later, Abbas with some BNP leaders visited the two venues.

At that meeting, police authorities assured of reopening the BNP office at Nayapaltan.

On Wednesday, a Swechchasebak Dal leader was killed and around 50 others were injured in a clash between police and the BNP activists in front of the party’s Nayapaltan central office ahead of its December 10 rally.

Following the clash, police raided the BNP office and arrested around 300 party leaders and activists from there.







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