23 C

AustraliaSouth Australia lashed by thunderstorms and heavy rain causing widespread power outages

South Australia lashed by thunderstorms and heavy rain causing widespread power outages

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Thousands of residents across South Australia are waking up without power after heavy storms lashed the state yesterday.

There are about 237 power outages impacting more than 73,000 residents and businesses.

The intense thunderstorms generated more than 100,000 lightning strikes along with winds of up to 106kmh.

SA State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers have responded to just under 300 incidents since yesterday.

There are warnings some of those residents won’t have their supply restored until Monday.

The weather system is also expected to extend into New South Wales.

NSW SES Assistant Commissioner Nicole Hogan warned that volunteers were bracing for declining weather conditions over the next 48 hours.

“Through Sunday and Monday we are prepping for a large amount of rainfall as a result of severe storms which are predicted to come through the state which unfortunately could lead to renewed riverine flooding and dangerous flash flooding,” Assistant Commissioner Nicole Hogan said.

“The NSW SES is urging residents to not drive or play in floodwaters.

“The risk of flooded roads poses a very dangerous risk in already flood-affected communities where rivers are full and all additional water will run off and cause some areas to flood very quickly.”

Volunteers are working to resupply several communities isolated by flooding.

Hogan said this was a very complex and evolving situation.

“The size of the area is about 40,000 square kilometres – more than half the size of Tasmania,” she said.

The system is expected to generate widespread showers and storms on Sunday, especially in the Australian Capital Territory.

Canberra is forecast to receive as much as 60 millimetres of rain.

Severe storms are also possible, bringing damaging winds and large hail.

Showers will intensify over Melbourne today, bringing the risk of severe storms.

There should be some dry patches during the morning, before showers return around midday.

Totals of up to 20 millimetres are forecast, and it’ll be warmer than today, heading for 26C.

Some Victorians have also been warned of a potentially dangerous thunderstorm asthma event today.

“A high risk of epidemic thunderstorm asthma has been forecast for the Northern Country and North Central districts,” the Department of Health said in a statement.

“The combination of forecast extreme grass pollen levels and a certain type of thunderstorm with strong winds means there is a chance a large number of people may develop asthma symptoms over a short period of time.”

All other areas of the state have a moderate risk for Sunday.

People with asthma or hay fever should carry medication and stay inside before and during the storms.

Anyone who suffers from asthma or hay fever can monitor the forecast on the VicEmergency app.






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