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AustraliaAustralian government announces team to ‘hack the hackers’ after Medibank cyber attack

Australian government announces team to ‘hack the hackers’ after Medibank cyber attack

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The “smartest and toughest”. cybersecurity the expert Australia They were tasked with hunting down intruders in a review of the nation’s law enforcement methods.

The federal government announced today a new partnership between the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Signals Directorate.

The Home Affairs Minister, Clare O’Neil, told the team of 100 officers between the two agencies.

A hack has exposed the private details of Medibank customers. The government’s announcement follows a hack that exposed the private details of Medibank customers.
“The criminals we meet have adapted their ways, and so have we,” he said.

“This is the formalization of a partnership, a standing body of the Australian government that will every day, hunt the scoobs responsible for these evil crimes against innocent people.”

The changes come after serious data breaches at Optus and Medibank.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus said a bill will soon be before the Senate that would increase the maximum penalty for companies subject to serious data breaches.

Dreyfus said: “The AFP will work with all international partners, including Interpol, and that includes asking all countries to help in the elimination of this type of cybercrime.

“No country should stand by and not help any other country that asks for help.”

AFP says Russian cybercriminals are behind the Medibank hack.

“Even among ransomware groups, they consider it beyond what happened here,” O’Neil said. “I don’t think any leader in any country around the world would certainly condone this activity.”

In a statement released overnight, the Russian embassy in Canberra said the media announcement was made before they were told.

“We encourage the AFP to properly liaise with Russian law enforcement agencies,” the embassy statement read.

“Combating cybercrime that affects people’s lives and damages businesses requires a cooperative, non-politicized and responsible approach from all members of the global community.”

Dreyfus was asked if the government was considering expelling Russian diplomats.

“All options remain under consideration,” he said. “Our preference is to maintain diplomatic channels but the diplomatic profile must always be consistent with our national interest.





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