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AustraliaSri Lankan cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka has been arrested

Sri Lankan cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka has been arrested

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Sri Lankan cricket star Danushka Gunathilaka has been arrested and charged over the alleged rape of an Australian woman.

Gunathilaka was escorted by police from the Sri Lankan team hotel on Sussex Street, in Sydney, before 1am on Sunday.

Police allege he sexually assaulted a 29-year-old woman at a Rose Bay home last week and he has been charged with four counts of rape.

His teammates flew home hours later on Sunday after losing to England at the SCG during the T20 World Cup on Saturday.

He was refused bail and scheduled to appear at Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday.

NSW Police confirmed a Sri Lankan national was arrested, alleging the pair met on a dating app.

‘The woman met with the man after communicating with him for a number of days via an online dating application; it’s alleged he then sexually assaulted her on the evening of November 2,’ police said.

As part of ongoing investigations, a crime scene examination was undertaken by specialist police at an address in Rose Bay yesterday.

‘Following further inquiries, a 31-year-old man was arrested at a hotel on Sussex Street, Sydney, shortly before 1am today.

‘He was taken to Sydney City Police Station and charged with four counts of sexual intercourse without consent.

‘The Sri Lankan national was refused bail to appear at Parramatta Bail Court via AVL today.’

NSW Sex Crimes Squad commander Jayne Doherty said the woman took a lot of steps to ensure her safety, including communicating with the man for several days before meeting and going for a date in a public place.

‘It was just unfortunate. It has nothing to do with meeting on a dating app or anything,’ she said.

Gunathilaka was injured three weeks ago and did not play for Sri Lanka in the competition but remained with the team on their tour.





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