Like every year, ‘Bangladesh Australia Fashion Association’ is going to organize Eid Bazaar in Sydney.

The Bangladeshi community has become excited about this Eid festival to be held on 23rd and 24th April. Expatriates look forward to this day every year for Eid shopping.
Eid bazar has also gained special importance among other communities as an important tool for promoting business, social harmony and festivals. Eid events are getting bigger every year. Fashion stores from Sydney and other cities are joining the Eid market.
Tammi Parvez, president of the organization, said the Eid Bazaar would make a direct connection between the latest fashions and cultures of different communities through the participation of young entrepreneurs as well as shoppers.
It is a celebration of the Muslim community of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Lebanese, Indonesian, Malaysian and other countries in the Middle East coming together in a friendly atmosphere, she added.
Bangladesh Australia Fashion Association is a Bangladeshi boutique organization. It is a great platform to bring together expatriate Bangladeshi fashion designers, boutique owners and entrepreneurs from Australia and to preserve Bengali culture and heritage.
The 4 expatriate women are working tirelessly to make this year’s fair more successful. They are fashion designer Tammi Parvez, newly elected councilor Sajeda Akter Sanjida, cultural organizer and dancer Taftun Naeem Nitu and makeup artist Nahida Sultana.