22.3 C

AustraliaSouth of Adelaide, a truck crashed with three automobiles, killing two and...

South of Adelaide, a truck crashed with three automobiles, killing two and leaving one critically injured

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The driver is facing charges.

The accident on the Fleurieu Peninsula, south of Adelaide, claimed the lives of two ladies, injured seven others, and led to the arrest of a truck driver.

The vehicles involved were a large vehicle, two automobiles, and a ute.

Following today’s accident on Main South Road at Wattle Flat shortly after 12pm, a semi-trailer jack-knifed and partially toppled.

One vehicle had its side ripped off by the collision, another was pinned sideways against a crash barrier, and a driver was trapped inside a white ute.

The most severely damaged vehicle was a silver Ford car, which killed two female passengers and left the 43-year-old driver critically injured.

Both victims were female; one died at the scene and the other passed away in the hospital.

Their ages were not disclosed.

A man from Hay Flat, aged 48, who was operating the white ute, was airlifted to the hospital in a critical condition.

Medical personnel transported a 38-year-old woman, a 45-year-old man, and a 10-year-old daughter to the hospital due to non-life-threatening injuries.

The vehicle they were riding in was a black Ford sedan.

Major Crash investigators detained the truck driver, a 35-year-old male from Victor Harbor, who was transported to the hospital with minor injuries.

He was indicted on four charges of reckless driving, two counts of significant harm, two counts of cause hurt, and two counts of cause death by risky driving.

As the sun began to set, inspectors continued their search for the source of the catastrophic failure.

At least until 11 o’clock tonight, traffic on Main South Road between Pyne Hill Road and Forktree Road will be completely blocked.

According to locals, this particular section of road is known for its numerous near-misses, particularly around its curves.





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