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AustraliaMurder of lady on Tinder leads to four men's incarceration for 'devastating'...

Murder of lady on Tinder leads to four men’s incarceration for ‘devastating’ gang rape

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A terrified woman they met on Tinder was gang raped by four guys, and they will all spend over twenty years in prison for their crimes.

The sexual attack took place in April 2022 in the woman’s bedroom.

She had consented to meet Adam Ahamd Kabbout, 26, whom she had located on a dating app, after they had agreed to meet.

Three additional guys she did not know were discovered in her living room in Belmore, in Sydney’s southwestern suburbs, after she had let Kabbout into her home and taken a shower.

While Kabbout abstained from the rape himself, he incited his pals Omar El-Sayed (25), Mohammed Ali (22), and Rami Katlan (26).

Over the course of a harrowing fifteen minutes, he shouted orders as the others sexually assaulted the woman one by one.

Katlan captured a short video of Ali raping the victim at one point with his cell phone.

When the woman expressed her disinterest in continuing, Kabbout declared, “OK, your loss,” and the group departed from the house.

At today’s sentencing hearing in Downing Centre District Court, Judge Leonie Flannery stated that the four men’s actions had “devastating effects” on the victim.

The judge reasoned that the defendant complied due to her fear.

She recounted how the rape tormented her evenings with flashbacks and how she felt perpetual suspicion, anxiety, and resentment in a victim impact statement presented to the judge in October.

“Everything terrifies me; the world, other people, and the prospect of danger lurks in every corner…” She made the statement that no one comprehends the profound impact of having one’s power stripped away.

The four males were convicted guilty of many sexual offenses by a jury in September.

According to his counsel, Omar El-Sayed first denied having sex since he was engaged to be married.

Streets in Sydney might face a $220 punishment if inhabitants Four counts of aggravated sexual assault in company were found against Kabbout, who was acting as the facilitator.

Judge Flannery told the quartet that Kabbout’s crime was less severe than the others as he hadn’t physically committed the sexual assault, in front of a courtroom crowded with the men’s relatives and other advocates.

His maximum punishment was six years and six months in prison due to the fact that he was found guilty on four counts.

His three-year, three-month non-parole sentence began on July 23, 2023, and will end on October 22, 2026.

For two charges of sexual intercourse without consent, El-Sayed received a maximum prison term of five years and two months.

He is eligible for release from prison on April 2, 2027, due to his two years and seven months non-parole period.

Although Ali was found guilty of two charges of engaging in sexual intercourse without consent, his sentence was reduced to four years and two months due to his mental immaturity.

On October 2, 2026, his 25-month non-parole period will come to an end.

Kabbout, El-Sayed, and Ali were aware that the victim did not provide her consent, according to Judge Flannery.

She discovered that Katlan lacked this information and was careless about the woman’s desires regarding sexual relations with him.

His 30-month maximum prison term on one count of sexual intercourse without consent was a direct result of this.

After serving his 15-month sentence, which ends on March 1, 2027, he will be eligible for parole.

The four men’s lack of criminal records, mental anguish while incarcerated, and youth at the time of the sexual attack were all factors that Judge Flannery considered while handing down their sentences.

According to her, each of them had a minimal chance of reoffending and excellent rehabilitation chances.

The innocence of Kabbout and El-Sayed is maintained by both of them.





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