23 C

Monday, 2025-2-24 8:18:35

AustraliaAfter going missing for a week, a photographer was located with possible...

After going missing for a week, a photographer was located with possible snake bite injuries

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A 48-year-old photographer was deemed fortunate to be alive when, after being absent for one week in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales, authorities discovered him “dazed and injured” with what seemed to be a snake bite.

Devoted to Brumby Authorities believe a copperhead snake bit Lovisa Sjoberg, whose alias is Kiki, and she was located approximately 4.50pm yesterday after a massive search.

Sjoberg was suffering from exposure. Everyone thought she vanished on October 15 and hadn’t been heard from since October 8 until yesterday afternoon.

However, the alarm was not activated until October 21st, when she neglected to return the hired Mitsubishi Outlander.

Along with residents, members of the NSW Police, the State Emergency Service, the Rural Fire Service, and National Parks and Wildlife traversed the rough terrain to locate Sjoberg’s Outlander, which had been seen in Kosciuszko National Park on October 15.

Because her disappearance was so out of character and she had been away for such a long period, the police and her family were worried about her.

In an effort to coordinate searches, collect information, and locate the woman, hundreds of individuals joined Facebook groups.

Today, Superintendent Toby Lindsay of the New South Wales Police Department disclosed that she was discovered “dazed and injured” on the Nungar Creek Trail near Kiandra by an officer from the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

It was “a tough few days” for Sjoberg, he added, and he was fortunate to be alive.

“She had been bitten by a snake four days before, had also rolled her ankle and was suffering from dehydration,” added Lindsay.

“She’s in fact very fortunate to be alive, she obviously went through a tough time.”

He added that she had been discovered after several days of “wandering dazed” through the bush.

During the time she was gone, temperatures would have dipped below freezing, which caused Lindsay great concern for her safety.

Lindsay reports that she is in a “reasonably good” condition, but paramedics have not yet determined whether she was bitten by a snake.

As of last night, Sjoberg’s status at Cooma District Hospital remained stable.

The search operation, which included air, ground, and horse patrols, comprised dozens of agencies. 





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