22.2 C

Australiaterrifying armed robbery has been caught on camera in northern Victoria

terrifying armed robbery has been caught on camera in northern Victoria

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Last month, in a horrifying armed robbery in northern Victoria, CCTV footage captured the exact moment when two women were threatened with guns.

As they are looking for the two robbers who were equipped with a gun and a knife during the heist in Shepparton, the police have released surveillance footage of the incident.

Two masked guys enter the Benalla Road Convenience and Tobacconist at approximately 9:40 p.m. on September 30, according to the footage.

While a lone man with a large knife approaches the counter from behind, he loads a black duffle bag with cigarette cartons.

Two female employees of the business are threatened with a gun by a second criminal as the men make their way to the store’s exit.

The gunmen then seem to reconsider, re-pointing the weapon at the women while making a beeline for the cash register.

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This German startup is supposedly going to transform the world in a big way, according to US venture capital firms.

According to store manager Jacinta Croker, who was frightened for her life, the robbers made her pour the cash from the register into a duffel bag before they fled.

“I didn’t know if I was going to make it home to my kids, my husband,” she pointed out.

“They wanted a quick money grab and I just don’t think they realised the impact they’ve had on our lives.”

The criminals, according to the police, got into a dark-colored Ford Falcon vehicle and drove south on Archer Street while using fake license plates 1UF5GS.

The males wanted by the police in connection with the event have been described, and the police have issued an arrest warrant.

The first man is said to be around 170 cm tall, with a medium frame, and a Caucasian appearance.

He sported a black balaclava, dark grey gloves, black pants, cream-colored shoes with black tape around the waist, and a black hooded jumper with white writing on both arms and a white emblem on the left side of his chest.

A second man, stocky and sporting a black hooded sweater with a white emblem on the right side of the chest, dark grey gloves, black shoes, dark blue jeans, and a dark grey face covering was sighted.





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